the ocean—mike perry:词组每天一点点

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/09/24 11:23:15
2008-12-01 20:48Lesson 1 
go to the theatre 去戏院
have a good seat 有一个好位置
sit behind sb 坐在某人后面
get angry 边生气
at last/finally 最后
turn round 转身
look at 看某人
pay attention to sb/sth 注意
pay a little attention to sb/sth 稍加注意
pay much attention to sb /sth 多加注意
pay more attention to sb/sth 更加注意
get cold 变冷
be angry with sb 对某人生气
be angry at / about sth 多某事生气
a love child 私生子
private eyes 私家侦探
have a conversation with sb 与某人谈话
take one's seat 请坐
I can't bear it 我不能容忍
it's none of your business 不关你的事
business is business 公事公办
on business 出差
go to place on business 出差去某地
do business 做生意
public house 酒吧
Lesson 2 
on sundays 很多个星期天
stay in bed 呆在床上
get up 起来
look out 小心
look out of 看出某处
just then  就在那时
by train 乘火车
history always repeats itself 历史总是重演
give ab a ring 给某人戒子
father- in -law 公公,岳父
mother - in - law 婆婆,岳母
step mother 继母
step father 继父
Lesson 3 
spoil one's holiday 损坏某人的假期
send sth to sb 寄东西给某人
lend sb sth 借东西给某人
borrow sth from sb 向某人借东西
a bunch of flowers 一束花
post box 邮筒
postcode 邮编
postmark 邮戳
think about/ of sth 想某事
buy sth for sb 给某人买东西
my holidays passed quickly 我的假期很快就过了
make a big decision 做了一个大决定
spend + time + spl 表示在某地度过
single ticket 单程票
return ticket 往返票
in private 私下里
in public 公开的
in at friendly way 友好的方式
shop assistant 商店服务员
the whole year 一整年
do me a favor 帮我一个忙
do a favor for me 帮我一个忙
Lesson 4 
an exciting man 一个令人兴奋的人
A is different from B A与B不同
in the centre of 在…的中心,范围大
in the middle of 在…的中间,范围小
a great number of = a lot of 大量的
study abroad 在国外学习
have gone to 去了人未回
have been to 去过人已回
receive a letter from sb 收到某人来信
fly to spl 飞去某地
work for 为…工作
Lesson 5 
be at sb's service 为某人效劳
A is + (距离) from B A距离B
get a telephone 安装电话
from … to … 从哪里到哪里
cover distance of + 距离 越过…距离
in three minutes 三分钟之内
up to now  到目前为止
up till now 到目前为止
so far 到目前为止
a great many 大量
a great number of 大量
one … another… 一个…另一个…
in this way 以这种方式
a 4s service station 4S店
stand sb up 放某人鸽子
I got stood up 我被放鸽子了
send a short text / message to sb 发短信给某人
take a message for sb 帮某人捎口信
take a message to sb 给某人捎口信
leave a message to sb 留口信给某人
request sb to do sth 要求某人做某事
request sb for sth 要求某人做某事
have a request for sth 对某事有要求
spare part 备用件
spare time 抽出时间
spare sb 饶恕某人
he has something in his pocket 胸有成足
Lesson 6 
move to 搬去
knock at 敲门
ask sb for sth 向某人要东西
in return for this 作为…的回报
stand on one's head 头倒立
stand on one's knee 跪下
put sth in spl 把东西放在某处
go way 离开
once a month 一个月一次
tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事
beg sb for sth 乞求
fastfood 快餐
finger food 零食
junk food 垃圾食品
seafood 海鲜
pickpocket 扒手
pocket money 零花钱
pocket dicionary 袖珍词典
call sb = give sb a call 给某人电话
call on sb 拜访某人
call at spl 拜访某地
except sb to do sth 期待某人做某事
Lesson 7 
the whole morning 整个早上
a few hours ago 几个小时前
a few hours earlier 几个小时前
try to 试着
on the airfield 在飞机起飞的地方
take sth off spl 把某物从某处拿开
carry sth into 把…搬进
at the door 在门边
be full of 充满
to one's surprise 令人惊奇的是
at the airport 在飞机场
expect sb to do sth 期待某人做某事
steal sth from sb 从某人处偷某人东西
rob sb 抢劫
I was robbed 我被偷了
main building 主要建筑物
keep guard 守卫
body guard 保镖
life guard 救生员
precious stone 珍贵的石头
Lesson 8 
enter for 参加
win sth for 由…得奖
the car / horse race 赛车,赛马(比速度)
beat sb 打败某人
swimming pool  游泳池
in order 保持秩序
everything  is ready 万事具备
Lesson 9 
a cold welcome 冷遇
a warm welcome 热情的欢迎
a large crowd of people 一大群
in twenty minutes' time 在二十分钟内
at five to twelve 12点差5分,具体时间用at
refuse to do 拒绝做某事
look at 看
begin to do 开始做某事
at that moment = just that 就在那时
welcome back home 欢迎回家
crowds of people 人山人海
hour hand 时针
minute hand 分针
second hand 秒针
in the crowd 在人群中
shout to sb 朝某人喊
shout at sb 呵斥某人
laugh to sb 朝某人笑
laugh at sb 嘲笑某人
hear from sb 收到某人来信
Lesson 10 
call sb sth  叫某人什么
be made in + spl 生产地
keep sth spl 把东西放在某处
belong to  属于
allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
sb be not allowed to sth 某人不被允许做某事
the key to the door 门的钥匙
the answer to the question 问题的答案
I get a shock 我吓了一跳
music studen 学音乐的学生
play the piano 弹钢琴
be made of  用某种材料制成(材料可见)
be made from 用某种材料制成(材料不可见)
be made by 由某人制造
be made into 被制作成
Lesson 11 
at table  吃饭
pay back 还钱
to one's anger 令某人生气
to one's shock 令某人震惊
pay money for sth 为某样东西付钱
Bank of China  中国银行
turn on  打开
turn off 关掉
turn up 音量调大
turn down 音量调小
turn round  转身
turn to page … 翻到
have a good /high salary 有一份好的薪水
you deserves it 你活该
she deserves a praise 她值得表扬
one good turn deserves another 礼尚往来,善有善报
one bad turn deserves another 恶有恶报
good work deserves a good salary 努力工作应得到好的薪水
a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情
prefer sb to do sth 宁愿某人做某事
wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事
be on strike 罢工
one .. another… 一个..另一个
teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事
Lesson 12 
late in the afternoon 傍晚时分
early in the morning 大清早
set out / set off 出发
say goodbye to sb 跟某人说再见
plenty of time 足够的时间
take part in 参加
enter for 参加,强调报名参加
good luck 好运
lucky dog 幸运儿
sail from A to B 从A地出发去B地
Pearl Harbour 珍珠港
be proud of sb 为某人自豪
be back  回来
be out  出去
be in 在家
be over 结束
be on  上映
be up to 胜任
Lesson 13 
a group of 一组
at present 目前
all parts of the country 全国各地
most of the student 大多数学生
most students 大多数学生
tomorrow evening 第二天早上
Workers' Club 工人俱乐部
during this time 在那段期间
as usual 与往常一样
on the occasion 在某一场合
good performance 好的表现
have a difficult time 日子不好过
in the situations 在这种情况
Lesson 14 
in the south of … 某地的南部
drive on 继续
on the way 在路上
as soon as 一..就…
say good morning to sb 跟某人说早安
except for  除了
apart from 除了
not….at all. 跟本不
neither of 两者都不
during the journey 旅行中
so do I 我也是
wave sb goodbye 跟某人挥手再见
kiss sb goodbye 吻别
wave to sb 向某人招手
take a lift/have a lift 搭便车
ask sb for a lift 要求搭便车
give sb a lift 给某人搭便车
thumb a lift 搭便车
reply to sb 答复某人
Lesson 15 
look up from 抬头看
It's my turn 轮到我
my turn will come 轮到我
take it easy don’t be nervous 放轻松别紧张
afford to do sth 负担得起做某事
in a weak voice 弱的声音
disturb sb 打扰某人
bother sb 打扰某人
Lesson 16 
traffic policeman 交警
No Parking 禁止停车
pay attention to 注意
like this  象这样
traffic accidents 交通事故
traffic jam 堵车
traffic lights 交通红绿灯
take notes 记笔记
remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事
remid sb to do sth 提醒某人去做某事
fail to do sth 不能做某事
let the nature take care of it 顺其自然
who care 才不在意
take care of  照顾
look after  照顾
remember to do sth 记得去做
remember doing sth 记得做过
Lesson 17 
at least 至少
in spite of  尽管,如此
on the stage 在舞台上
take part in 参加
this time 这次
appear in 穿着
a five-year-old boy 一个5岁的男孩
grow up 长大
appear on the stage as a prince 作为一个王子出现在舞台上
in the stage 在…阶段
a pair of stocking 一双长筒袜
a honey-mouthed boyfriend 甜言蜜语的男朋友
don’t judge a person by his appearance 不要以貌取人
Lesson 18 
have breakfast 吃早餐
have lunch 吃午饭
look for 寻找
leave sth + spl 把某物留在某处
pay the bill 付帐
give sth back to sb 把某物还给某人
go out  出去
in a few minutes 几分钟后
public house 酒吧
give in 投降
give away sth to sb 把某物送给某人
give up 放弃
love me, love my dog 爱乌及屋
every dog has its day 风水轮流转
Lesson 19 
sell out 卖完
at any moment 任何时候
at the moment 就在这时
at that moment 就在那时
go back to spl 返回
at once 立刻,马上
ticket for + sth 为某事买票
ticket for + spl 买去某地的票
might as well  还是..的好
had better 最好
a dead dog 一条死狗
hurry up 赶快
be in a hurry 匆匆忙忙
in a hurry to do sth 匆忙去做某事
I'm in no hurry 我不忙
hurry out 匆忙出去
hurry in 匆忙进来
hurry to 匆忙去
hurry away 匆忙离开
ticket window 售票窗
ticker seller 售票员
ticket collector 检票员
return to spl 返回某地
return sth to sb 把某物归还给某人
return sth to spl 把某物退回某处
feel/be sorry 感到遗憾
feel pity for sb 感到同情
Lesson 20 
one man in a boat 独坐孤舟
sth worry sb 某事令某人担心
sb be worried about 某人担心某事
instead of 代替
instead of sb doing sth 代替某人做某事
spend + time + spl 在某地度过
give up 放弃
be interested in doing sth 对…感兴趣
waste one's word 浪费口舌
It's a waste of time 这简直浪费时间
catch fish 抓鱼
catch thieves 抓小偷
catch fire 着火
catch a bus 赶公交车
catch a cold 感冒
a pair of boots 一双靴子
realize one's dream 实现某人的梦想
be keen on 热衷于
Lesson 21 
drive sb mad 把某人逼疯
night and day 日日夜夜
one of 其中一个
knock down 撞倒
go away 离开
be mad / crazy about sth 着迷某物
be mad / crazy about doing  着迷做某事
for this reason 由于这个理由
for some reason 由于某个理由
a great numer of 大量的,可数
plenty of 足够的,可数和不可数
a great many 大量的,可数
a large sum of 大量,不可数
be determined to do sth 坚定的去做某事
make one's mind to do sth 某人意志坚定的去做某事
decide to do sth 决定去做某事
make a decision to do sth 下定决心去做某事
drive sth into 把…赶进
drive sb back 把…撵回
be driven out of 被赶出
Lesson 22 
travel across 横渡
receive a letter from sb 收到某人来信
put into 放进
throw into 扔进
write to sb 写信给某人
decide to do sth 决定做某事
dream of doing sth 梦想做某事
at the age of 在…年龄
of one's own age 与某人同龄
throw away 扔掉
throw to sb 扔给某人
throw at sb 砸向某人
have a good dream 有一个好梦
It's never too old to learn 活到老学到老
Lesson 23 
get a surprise 吃了一惊
in the country 在乡村
stay with sb 与某人呆一起
finish doing sth 完成做某事
complete doing sth 完成做某事
modern history 现代史
be strange to sth 对某事陌生
there be + sb+doing  某地有某人正在做某事
Lesson 24 
it could be worse 不幸中的万幸,可能更糟
leave sb + spl 把某物放在某处
couldn't do anything 无能为力
start to do sth 开始做某事
start doing sth 开始做某事
complain about sth to sb 向某人抱怨某事
complain of sth to sb 向某人抱怨某事
a knock at the door 敲门声
find sth outside 发现某物在外面
manage to do sth 能够做某事
be sympathetic about /to sb 对某人感到同情
Lesson 25 
arrive in 到达大地点
at last  最后
in the end 最后
railway station 火车站
the way to spl 去某地的路
several times 几次
neither … nor.. 既不…也不…
like that  象那样
look at each other 相互之间看
foreign trade 外贸
wonder at sth 对某事感到奇怪
wonder  动词,想知道   名词,奇观
no wonder 怪不得
not only … but … as well 不仅…而且…
both..and.. 两者都
either … or.. 或者.. 或者..
Lesson 26 
in the same way 以同样的方式
on the wall 挂在墙上
for a moment 一会
for a while 一会
look at 看
chinese painting 国画
pretend to do sth 假装做某事
pretend not to do sth 假装不捉某事
stop pretending 别装蒜
upside down 上下颠倒
inside out 里外相反
beauty spot 美人痣,风景区
Lesson 27 
later in the afternoon 傍晚时分
put up 搭起
in the middle of  在…中间
as soon as 一…就…
cook a meal 煮一顿饭
in the open air 在户外
tell stories 讲故事
some time later 一会之后
put out  灭火
be out 火自动熄灭
wake up 人自己醒来
wake sb up 把某人叫醒
in the middle of the night 午夜
be full of 充满
leap out of spl 从某处跳出
wind one's way 蜿蜒
set up 搭起
on the airfield 在飞机起飞的地方
in the field 在田野里
gas field 油田
a campfire 一堆营火
campbed 折叠床
passing plane 正飞过来的飞机
walking stick 拐杖
go to bed 去睡觉
go to sleep 入睡
sleep soundly 睡得香甜的
leap year 闰年
leap month 闰月
look before you leap 三思而后行
put sb up 安排某人住宿
put up with sb 容忍某人
put down 写下,抄下
take down 写下,抄下
put sth off 推迟某事
put sth way 收拾好
Lesson 28 
no parking 禁止停车
believe in Christ 信仰基督教
believe in God 信仰上帝
believe in Buddhism 信仰佛教
be able to do sth 有能力做某事
get sth into spl 把某物弄进某处
even once 甚至一次
put up 粘贴
turn sth to sth 把…变成…
medium  五分熟
mediun - well 七分熟
rare 三分熟
well-done 全熟
ancient history 古代史
ancient artist 古代艺术
ancient Rome 古罗马
have an effect on sth 对….有影响
have an effect on sb 对某人有影响
special effect 特技
have trouble with sb 与某人有矛盾
ask for trouble 自找麻烦
have trouble in doing sth 做某事有困难
put sb in trouble 给某人带来麻烦
because of 由于…
it is one of the ugliest faces I have even seen 我所见过的最丑陋的头像之一
Lesson 29 
fly A to B 从A地飞往B地
once ..and on another occasion 一次,另一次
take a taxi 打的
motherland 祖国
plough the field 耕地
plough though the book 钻研这本书
used to do 曾经
land in 在大地点着陆
land on 着陆在…上
land at 在小地点着陆
feel lonely 感到孤单
a lonely village 偏僻的乡村
a lone 独自一人
under one's roof 寄人篱下
a block of flats 一撞公寓楼
office block 办公楼
flat type 扁的轮胎
flat heels 平底鞋
flat plate 平底盘
the most suuprising thing about it 关于它最令人惊奇的是
although I am alone, I don’t feel lonely 尽管我一个人,但我不觉得孤单
Lesson 30 
like doing  一直喜欢
as usual 与往常一样
on the bank 在岸上
there be + sb+doing  某地有某人正在做某事
go towards 走向
call out to sb 向某人大叫
so…that 如此…已至于
fall into 掉进
turn to 转身
run away 逃跑
throw sth back to 把某物仍回某处
hair cut  剪发
cut oneself 把自己弄伤
cut class 翘课
cut across 从表面穿过
cut through 穿过
kick the bucket 自杀
kick the habit 戒掉恶习
kick a ball 踢球
in sight 视眼范围之内
out of sight 视眼范围之外
out of sight, out of mind 眼不见为净
one fine afternoon  一个天气晴朗的下午
Lesson 31 
yesterday afternoon 昨天下午
tell sb about one's experience 讲述某人的经历
tell sb of one's experience 讲述某人的经历
the head of a family 一家之主
used to 曾经
fourteen hours a day 一天工作14小时
save money 存钱
of one's own 某人所有
In one's twenties 在某人二十几岁的时候
at that time 在那时
In a few years 在几年后
long road to success 通向成功的漫漫之路
hard early years 早年艰难困苦时期
retire from one's job 从某人工作岗位上退休
at the age of  在几岁的时候
retirement house 养老院
nursing house 养老院
self-employed 自由职业者
I am out of work/employment 我失业了
used to …but not …any more 以前曾经..但是现在不再…
Lesson 32 
not so …as.. …不如…
than usual 比平时
hand sth to sb 把某物递给某人
wrap sth up 把…包起来
as quickly as possible 尽可能快的
walk out of  走出
find out 发现
resist the temptation to do sth 抵挡诱惑做某事
fall in love with sb 爱上某人
a matter of time 时间的问题
under arrest 通缉之中
freeze 不许动
once bitten , twice shy 一旦被蛇咬,十年怕草绳
Lesson 33 
out of the darkness 冲出黑暗
in the darkness 在黑暗中
be able to do sth 有能力做某事
sth happened to sb 某事发生在某人身上
be caught in 遭遇
towards evening 接近晚上
cover a distance 跨越一段距离
high up 高高在上
struggle to do sth 挣扎做某事
stuggle for 挣扎,后跟名词
in hospital 住院
in the hospital 在医院
ahead of 在…之前
go ahead 继续
in the past 在过去
Lesson 34 
all week 一整个星期
receive a letter from sb 收到某人来信
pick up 无意间找到,学到
expect sb to do  期待某事
a boy of fifteen 一个15岁的男孩
police station 警察局
railway station 火车站
subway station 地铁站
gas station 加油站
make the most of sth 充分利用
call on 拜访某人
call at 拜访某地
call sb up 打电话给某人
call off 取消
Lesson 35 
used to do sth  曾经作过某事
a short while ago 不久前
rush out of 冲出某地
run towards 奔向某处
a waiting car 正在等待的汽车
drive staight at 撞向
get away 逃跑
drive into 撞向
shortly afterwards 不久之后
be badly damaged 严重损坏
tell a lie 说谎
for a while 一会儿
regret doing sth 后悔做过某事
get a fright 吓一跳
see sb doing sth 看见正在做某事
see sb do sth 看见整个过程
so..that 以至于,so 后跟形容词 / 副词
such…that 以至于,such 后跟名词
Lesson 36 
set out 出发
hope to do sth 希望做某事
be sure to do sth 确信做某事
train sb 训练某人
intend to do sth 打算做某事
have sth to drink 一些喝的东西
wait for sb 等某人
have sth to wear  一些穿的东西
keep a record 保持记录
set up a record 创造记录
break a record 打破记录
strong-minded 意志坚强的
succeed in doing sth 成功做某事
succeed in sth 成功做某事
be strict with sb 对某人严格
be firm with sb 对某人严格
Lesson 37 
in four years' time 4年后
a great many 大量,可数
be designed by sb 由某人设计
look forward to doing sth 期望做某事
hold a meeting  举行一个会议
hold a party 举行一个聚会
the local government 当地政府
the Chinese government 中国政府
govern a company 管理一家公司
living standard 生活标准
capital punishment 极刑
this is my lastest design 这是我最新的设计
look out 当心
look up 查阅
look after 照顾
look for 寻找
look at 看
look sb up 拜访某人
Lesson 38 
return to 返回某地
dream of doing sth 梦想做某事
no sooner .. .than 一…就…
plan to do sth 计划做某事
settle down in the country 定居在乡村
get a shock 感到震惊
as if 似乎
hardly …when… 还没来得及…就…
in the end 最后
think of 考虑
complain of sth to sb 跟某人抱怨某事
complain about sth to sb 跟某人抱怨某事
sunrise 日出
sunset 日落
dawn 黎明
dusk 黄昏
he could't bear any more 他再也不能忍受了
it was bitterly cold last Friday 上礼拜五刺骨的冷
Lesson 39 
in hospital 住院
ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事
the following day 第二天
ask for sth 索要
answer the phone 接电话
inquire about sb 询问关于某人
refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事
be allowed to do sth 某人被允许
perform an operation on sb for + 疾病 为了疾病为某人动手术
be patient with sb 多某人耐心
feel lonely 感到孤单
succeed in doing sth 成功做某事
be successful in doing sth 成功做某事
a relative of sb 某人的一个亲戚
a certain doctor 某个医生
close relative 近亲
distant relative 远亲
inquire of sb about sth 向某人询问某事
inquire into 调查
the FBI is inquiring into this case 联邦调查局正在调查此事
Lesson 40 
at a dinner party 在一个晚宴上
ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事
next to 紧挨
in a tight black dress 穿着紧身的黑色连衣裙
look up 抬头看
take one's seat 就座
in a short time  一会
be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
is coming to = will be one 上映
try to do sth 试着做某事
make conversation 制造话题
spend + time + spl 在某地度过
in despair 绝望的
drop out 退学
air hostess 空中小姐
tight jeans 紧身牛仔裤
tight market 供不应求的市场
sleep tight 睡得好
fix one's eyes on sb 凝视某人
fix time 定时间
fall into despair 陷入绝望
it needs fixing 它需要修理
it needs to be fixed 它需要修理
make the bed 整理床铺
make noise 制造噪音
make a promise 发誓
make trouble 制造麻烦
make progress 进步
make a lot of money 发财
make a speech 发表一次演讲
make a mistake 犯错误
make one's mind 下决心
do one's best 尽力而为
do sb favour 帮某人忙
do work / housework 做家务
do a lot of shopping 买东西
do good business 生意很好
Lesson 41 
call sth sth 把某物叫做某物
regret doing sth 后悔做某事
never..too = not too 无论怎样也不为过
be wearing 正戴着,表示状态
look like 象…一样
be rude about sth 对某事无礼
be rude to sb 对某人无礼
rude behaviour 无礼的行为
magic mirror 魔镜
look at oneself in the mirror 照镜子
remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事
remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事
fail to do sth 失败做某事
rude remarks 脏话
call one's name 讲脏话
say "F" words 讲脏话
dress sb 给某人穿衣服
sb be dressed in  某人穿着,表示状态
be similar to 与…相象
liken sth to 把…东西比作…
capable doing sth 有能力做某事
make sb remember 使某人想起
you can never be too careful 你再小心也不为过
I can never thank you too much 再感激不过
read in bed 躺在床上看书
be bad for 对…有害
Lesson 42 
walk through = have a walk through 走过
after a time = after a short time 一会之后
at the other side of 在…的另一边
rise out of 伸出
tell the different between A&B 辨别A与B的差别
musical student 强调有音乐天赋的学生
market economy 市场经济
bull market 牛市
bear market 熊市
have a glimpse of sth/sb 对某事/某人一瞥
glance at sth/ sb 有意识的看某人/某物
dance to the music 随着音乐跳舞
continue doing sth 继续做某事
continue to do sth 继续做某事
be different from 与…不同
pick up 捡到,无意见学到,看到
pick sb up 接某人
so as to 为了
Lesson 43 
fly over 飞过
for the first time 第一次
at first 起先
be able to do sth 能够做某事
take photographs of 拍…的照片
a great many 大量
run into serious 陷入困难
fall into serious 陷入困难
get into serious 陷入困难
run into danger 陷入危险
run into despair 陷入绝望
at once 立即,马上
order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事
only…if  只有…才…
rise to 上升到
in sight 在视野范围内
without difficulty 没有任何困难
the north pole 北极
have a flight 一次飞行
tell a lie 说了一个谎
turning point 转折点
a serious mistake 一个严重错误
a serious illness 严重的病
seem as if 看起来好象
seem to be 看起来好象
go over 越过
have a car crash 撞车
an air crash 空难
crash into 撞向
at present 目前
at school 在学校
at any rate 不管怎么说
at heart 从本质上
at least 至少
at times 有时
be at a loss 迷茫
Lesson 44 
think of 认为
run through 跑过
rush up to sb 冲向某人,表目的
have a picnic 去野餐
at the edge of 在…的边缘
try to do sth 试着做某事
in the struggle 在挣扎中
start doing sth 开始做某事
get angry 变生气
out of breath 上气不接下气
continue to do sth 继续做某事
catch up with sb 赶上
get a fright 吃了一惊
original forest 原始森林
take the risk of doing sth 冒险做某事
risk doing sth 冒险做某事
run staright at sb 有目的的跑向某人
shoulder strap 肩带
go for a picnic 去野餐
watch strap 表带
on edge 紧张不安
sb be in possession of sth 某人拥有某物
sth be in the possession of sb 某物归某人所有
hold one's breath 屏住呼吸
take a deep breath 深呼吸
have a deep breath 深呼吸
have a bad breath 口臭
be accustomed to doing sth 习惯做某事
like to do sth 表示某次的习惯
like doing sth 一直喜欢,一直习惯
relay-race 接力赛
it's no picnic 这不是轻松的事
Lesson 45 
the whole village 整个村庄
a large sum of 大量的,不可数
take sth to spl 把某物带到某处
return to sb 还给某人
back door 后门
half a year 半年
three months passed 三个月后
front door 前门
wrap up 包起
together with 附带
two months later 两个月后
in time  及时
in this way 以这种方式
a clear conscienc 问心无愧
a guilty conscienc 问心有愧
savings account 存款帐户
Automatic Teller Machine 自动存取处
on time  准时
do it in the way I told you 照我说的做
a clear conscienc never fears mid-night knocking 不做亏心事不怕半夜敲门
Lesson 46 
arrive at 到达小地点
begin doing sth 开始做某事
begin to do sth 开始做某事
a number of 一些
account for  解释
on the top of  在…上面,前者属后者范围
on top of 在…上面,与表面有接触
be astonished at sth 对某事惊讶
be surprised at sth 对某事惊讶
run away 逃跑
admit doing sth 承认做过某事
be confined to spl 被关在某处
order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事
pay money for sht 为…负钱
take place 发生
wooden chair 木制椅子
wooden smile 僵硬的笑
woollen sweater 羊毛衫
sth happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上
sth accur to sb 某人想起某事
Lesson 47 
public house 酒吧
on sale 打折
be up for 有待于
go to sleep 入睡
hear/see sb doing sth 听见/看见某人正在做某事
hear/see sb do sth 听见/看见某人做某事的这个过程
fall asleep 入睡
go to bed 去睡觉
be on  等亮着,表示状态
turn off 关掉
must have done 对过去的肯定推测
night before 前一天晚上
even if 即使
give away 捐献,免费送
shake one's head 摇头
nod one'd head 点头
be thirsty for sth 如饥似渴
be hungry for sth 如饥似渴
a haunted house 闹鬼的房子
a piece of furniture 一件家具
a set of furniture 一套家具
suggest doing sth 建议做某事,暗示
milk shake 乃昔
shake one's hands 握手
flush toilet 冲水马桶
Lesson 48 
ask question  问问题
it is impossible for sb to do sth 对某人来说没可能做某事
pull out 拔出
for a while 一会
try to do sth 试着做某事
In answer to 作为…的回答
in return for 作为…的回报
at the same time 同时
meanwhile 同时
be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
seach out 找出
feel worried 感到担心
at last 最后
remove sth from spl 从某处清除
be able to do sth 有能力做某事
push- up 俯卧撑
pull one's leg 开某人玩笑
collect stamps 集邮
collect children 领养孩子
collect salary 领工资
out of order 出故障
put up with sb 容忍某人
Lesson 49 
be tired of doing sth 厌烦某事
save up for years 存了多年的钱
be tired of sth 厌烦做某事
be tired of doing sth 厌烦做某事
the owner of sth 某物的主人
a real ring 一个真的戒子
a gust of wind 一阵风
carry sth on to 搬到,从低处搬到高处
for the first time in one's life 某人平生第一次
become the pound owner of 自豪的拥有
blow up 起风
speed up 加速
be unhurt 没有受伤
for the first two nights 前两个夜晚
wake up 醒来
go to sleep 入睡
glance at sth/sb 扫视某人/某物
carry into 搬进
smash sth into pieces 摔成碎片
cut sth into pieces 切成碎片
tear sth into pieces 撕成碎片
Lesson 50 
love + doing 一直喜欢
lose one's way 迷路
go on an excursion 一次远足
go for an excursion 一次远足
say to sb 跟某人说
in front of 在…前面
in the front of 在内部的前面
look round 环顾四周
as far as 最大程度
forget to do sth 忘记去做某事
forget doing sth 忘记做过某事
prefer doing A to doing B 比起做B宁愿做A
prefer to do A than do B 比起做B宁愿做A
in that case 那样的话
ride a bike 骑车
give sb a ride 送某人一程
in one's view 以某人的观点
sth take sb sometime to do  某事花费某时时间去做
come loose 变松
Lesson 51 
get bad 变坏
decide to do sth 决定做某事
write out 列出
most of 大多数
pay sb a visit 拜访某人
be surprise to 对…惊奇
show sb out 送客
show sb the door 送客
see sb off 送行
lead sb into 带某人进入
the contents of sth 里面装的东西
give sb a reward 给某人奖赏
virtue is priceless 美德无价
virtue is beyond price 美德无价
be beyond 超越
reward sb with sth 用某物奖赏某人
reward sb for sth 由于某事奖赏某人
go on a diet 节食
forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事
sb be forbidden to do sth 某人被禁止做某事
the forbidden city 紫禁城
to one's embarrassment 令某人尴尬的是
be strict with sb 对某人严格
be stict in sth 对某人严格
on the occasion 偶尔
pay a vist to spl 拜访某地
Lesson 52 
all morning 整个早上
the whole morning 整个早上
get sth in order 把…整理好
make matters worse 更糟糕的事
at the moment 此时此刻
a short while ago 一会之前
get in 进去
get out 出来
help sb do sth 帮助某人某事
help sb with sth 帮助某人某事
get a surprise 吓了一跳
gaze at it for some time 羡慕的盯了一会
in one's spare time 某人空余时间
spare sb 饶恕某人
spare sometime 腾出时间
temporary punishment 有期徒刑
temporary job 临时工作
space station 宇宙空间
in fact 事实上
make sth tidy 弄整洁
Lesson 53 
at last 最后
in the end 最后
put out 熄灭
find out  找出
be caused by 导致
throw away 仍掉
cigarette end 烟头
remains of  …的尸体
in this way 以这种方式
be able to do sth 有能力做某事
solve the mystery 解开迷团
snatch up 抓到
sth cause sb to do sth 某事导致某人做某事
lose one's temper 发脾气
the cause of sth …的原因
by chance 偶然
solve the problem 解决问题
a lion in the way 拦路虎
fire fighter 消防员
hot pot 火锅
hot line 热线
hot potato 棘手的问题
hot temper 暴躁的脾气
Lesson 54 
send sb to spl 送某人去某地
be at school  在上学
be at work 在工作
decide to do sth 决定做某事
in a short time 一会之后
be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
be covered with sth 被某物覆盖
pick up 捡起
hold on/hang on 等一下
hang up 挂断
take sb sometime to do sth 某人花费时间做某事
at last 最后
what a mess 一团糟
no soon … than… 一…就…
as busy as bees 象蜜蜂一样忙
as sticky as glue 和胶水一样粘
stick to sth 坚持做某事
mix A with B 用B来混合A
the blind 瞎子
the deaf 聋子
the rich 富人
persuade sb to do sth 说服某人做某事
persuade sb not to do sth 说服某人不要做某事
sth dismay sb 事令人失望
sb be dismayed by sth 人对事失望
excuse the mess 请原谅这么乱
sign for 签收某物
make a mess of sth 把…东西弄的一团糟
a registered letter 挂号信
too…to… 太…以至于…
sticky fingers 手脚不干净
Lesson 55 
come ture 实现
under the ground 在地表下面
it is said 据说
used to 曾经
fail to do sth 没能力做某事
search party 搜索队
hope to do sth 希望能做某事
not anything …except 什么都没有除了…
In spite of this 尽管,如此
be confident of doing sth 对某事有信心
be confident that 对某事有信心
someone patient 耐心的人
someone of patience 耐心的人
art treasure 艺术珍品
treasure sth  珍爱某物
goldfish 金鱼
gold mine 金矿
coal mine 煤矿
be buried spl 埋藏在某处
be armed with sth 用…武装
the entrance to /of …的入口
the memories of sb 对某人的记忆
treasure the memories of sb 珍藏对某人的记忆
put down your arms,hands up 放下武器,举起手来
very soon 很快
Lesson 56 
a great deal 大量
enter for 参加,强调报名参加
one of the most 其中最…之一
take part in 参加
on the course 在行程中
sb spend sometime doing sth 某人花费时间做某事
reach a speed of 达到某个速度
speed downhill 冲下坡
at the end of 在…的末端
have trouble doing sth 做某事有困难
be different from 与…不同
give sb a surprise 给某人一个惊喜
as sound as a bell 硬朗
sleep soundly 酣睡
steering wheel 方向盘
water wheel 水车
not less = more 不少于
not more = less 不多于
shorten course 速成课
be off the course 偏离行程
be on the course 在跑道中
speed up 加速
was I speeding? 我超速了吗?
speed up or we will be late 快点,否则我们会迟到
Lesson 57 
with sth in one hand and sth in the other 一只手拿…另一只拿…
window - shopping 只看不买
at the window 在窗户旁边
hesitate for a moment 犹豫了一会
hesitate to do sth 犹豫做某事
ask to do sth 请求做某事
glance at 扫视
walk out of 走出
decide to do sth 决定做某事
the following morning 第二天早上
be dressed in 穿着
seek out 找出
with great difficulty 费了很大的劲
enjoy oneself doing sth 做某事得到享受
make sb do sth 迫使某人做某事
get into trouble 陷入麻烦
a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤
server sb 为某人服务
at your service 乐于为你效劳
look down on / upon sb 看不起某人
sb be punished 某人被惩罚
be eager to do sth 渴望做某事
be eager for sth 渴望做某事
Lesson 58 
it is said 据说
be asked to do sth 被要求做某事
cut down 砍掉
have sth done 让某事被别人做
so far 到目前为止
point out 指出
all parts of the country 全世界各地
in spite of  尽管
not one of them  他们中没有人
strike down 击倒
god bless you 上帝保佑你
disguise oneself 伪装某人自己
sb possess sth 某人拥有某物
Tree Planting Day 植树节
go to church 去教堂
have a good reputation 有一个好的名声
soy sauce 酱油
dozens  of 一打
a wolf in disguise 披着羊皮的狼
double income no kids 丁克家族
it is you that I am looking for 找的就是你
Lesson 59 
let sb down 让某人失望
don’t let me down 别让我失望
used to do sth 曾经做过某事
every time 每一次
complain of/about 抱怨
spend sometime doing sth 花费时间做某事
train sb to do sth 训练某人做某事
go out shopping 出去购物
so that 以至于,表示目的
as soon as 一…就…
begin doing sth 开始做某事
begin to do sth 开始做某事
bark at sb 对某人大吼大叫
barking dogs seldow bite 会叫的狗不咬人
under great pressure 在重压之下
cat's paw 被别人利用的人
press the key to continue 按任意键继续
the press conference 新闻发布会
be an expert at / in doing sth 在某方面成为专家
develop a habit 养成一个习惯
develop the film 冲洗胶卷
developing country 发展中国家
developed country 发展国家
remove sth from spl 把某物从某处移除
in order to 为了
Lesson 60 
decide to do sth 决定做某事
tell sb to do sth 告诉某人某事
a relation of sb 某人的亲戚
intend to do sth = be going to do sth 打算去做某事
get a big surprise 一个大惊喜
rush towards sb 冲向某人
speak to sb 和某人说话
lead sb away from 把某人领出某地
as soon as 一…就…
less than an hour 少于一小时
in the future 在未来
future wife 未婚妻
the book fair 书市
th job fair 人才市场
sb's relation 某人的亲戚
the relationship between he and she is… 他和她的关系是…
Lesson 61 
be launched 被发射的
at a cost of 花费
right from the start 就在开始的时候
be sending up 把…送上
will be doing 将要做某事
take sth to sb 把某物带给某人
hold it 扛住
tell sb sth 告诉某人某事
take pictures of …的照片
by the time 到时
a great deal 大量,不可数
thousands of 成千上万
Lesson 62 
fight sth 与…作斗争
get sth under control 把…控制住
a short time ago 不久前
miles around 方圆几英里
rise up 升起来
threaten sth with sth 用某物威胁某物
threaten sth with sb 用某物威胁某人
threath to do sth 威胁做某事
wash away 冲走
put out 熄灭
not only…but well 不仅…而且
special type 特殊品种
take root 生根
in huge quantity 大量的
in place of = instead of 代替
out of control 失控
in contol 在控制中
no smoking 禁止吸烟
heavy smoker 烟瘾很重
sth be under control 某事在控制中
sth be in control 某事在控制中
sth with good quality 某样东西有好的质量
spray sth on / over 把某物撒在上面
shoot come out 发芽
a patch of 一小片
Lesson 63 
admire sb for sth 由于…敬佩某人
have a large circle of friends 交际很广
be popular with + people 在某人中受欢迎
sense of humour 幽默感
have great sense of humour 极具幽默感
prepare for sth 为某事做准备
make a speech at spl 在某处做一个演讲
a great success 取得巨大的成功
as soon as 一…就…
on the way home 在回家的路上
see sb do sth 看见某人做某事,整个过程
see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事
wedding reception 婚礼
laugh at 嘲笑
to one's surprise 令某人吃惊的是
sit in a circle 坐成一个圆圈
all sorts of 各种各样
Lesson 64 
serve as 作为…来服务
put forward 提议
solve the problem 解决问题
draw in 吸入
wait time for sth 花时间为…等
air the room 通风
ventilate the room 通风
a double bed 一张双人床
be afraid of 害怕
fear sth 害怕
get afraid 吓了一跳
connect A to/with B 连接A与B
draw back 退回
draw up 停在,签署
Lesson 65 
decide to do sth 决定做某事
take sth / sb to spl 把某物/某人带到某处
dress up 打扮成
guard of honour 仪仗队
set out / off 出发
should have done 本应该做而没做
ought to have done 本应该做而没做
side street  小路
agree to do sth 同意做某事
have to 不得不
away from 原离
refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事
have a difficult time 困难时期
have a good record 有一个好的记录
Santa Claus 圣诞老人
on Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕
Father Christmas 圣诞老人
sb versus sb 某人对某人
at present 在目前
accompany sb to spl 陪某人去某地
sb weigh 某人重多少,后面直接加重量
lose one's weigh 减肥
weigh one's words 斟酌
be fortunate in 在某方面幸运
be fortunate to do sth 幸运的做某事
let sb down 让某人失望
let sb in 让某人进来
let sb out 让某人出去
Lesson 66 
a long way 很长一段距离
over the years 在这些年间
by this time 在那时
be worth doing sth 值得做某事
have sth done 让某事被别人做
a colony of bees 一群蜜蜂
turn sth into sth 把某物变成某物
remote control 遥控器
be founded 成立
a colony of ants 一群蚂蚁
as strong as horses 象马一样强壮
bean curd 豆腐乳
preserved curd 豆腐乳
preserved fruit 果脯
preserved meat 腊肉
Lesson 67 
spend sometime doing sth 花时间做某事
one's lifetime 毕生的时间
in all parts of the world 全世界各地
set up 搭建
close to 靠近
manage to do sth 设法做某事
a number of 很多
take a picture / photo of sth/sb 为…拍照片
in time 及时
so that 以至于
active volcano 活火山
risk one's life 冒生命危险
risk doing sth 冒险做某事
take a risk of doing sth 冒险做某事
family violence 家庭暴力
escape death 死里逃生
sb/sth alive 某物/某人是活的
have a narrow escape 九死一生
living creature 生物
escape sth 逃脱某事
escape doing sth 逃脱做某事
Lesson 68 
cross the street 穿过街道
avoid doing sth 避开做某事
be no use doing sth 做某事是没用的
wave to sb 向某人招手
enjoy doing  喜欢做某事
think of 想出
fancy doing sth 真想不到
prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事
be busy doing sth 忙与做某事
mind doing sth 介意做某事
finish doing sth 完成做某事
a persistent thief 惯偷
persist in doing sth 坚持做某事(强迫的)
insist on doing sth 坚持做某事(自己想要做)
Lesson 69 
for the third time 第三次
in heavy traffic 麻烦的交通
be pleased with 对…满意
continue doing sth 继续做某事
continue to do sth 继续做某事
take sb sometime to do sth 花费某人时间做某事
tap on the window 在窗户上敲
press the brake pedal 踩刹车
look at sb 看某人
in a mournful voice 以悲哀的声音
murder sb 谋杀某人
instruct sb in sth 指导某人做某事
instruct sb to do sth 指导某人做某事
take / have an examination 参加考试
have the confidence to do sth 有信心做某事
be confident in/of  doing sth 有信心做某事
react to sth 对某事做反应
tap one's feet to the music 和着音乐踏着脚
advise sb to do sth 建议做某事
advise doing sth 建议做某事
entertain sb to dinner 请某人吃饭
entertain sb with sth 用某事是某人…
Lesson 70 
be unaware of sth 没有意识到某事
be busy with 忙于…(后跟名词)
catch sight of 突然看到
shout rude remarks 骂脏话
charge at sb 攻击某人
grew quiet 变得安静
get close to 接近某人
be sure of oneself 对某人有自信
step aside 朝边上
burst into tears 突然哭起来
break into cheers 突然喝彩
turn sb's attention to  转移某人注意力
be/ feel sorry for sb 对某人感到抱歉
bow to sb 对某人鞠躬
be sympathetical about sth 对…感到同情
break into tears 突然哭起来
in the way 挡路
break into laughters 突然大笑起来
Lesson 71 
burn down  烧毁
take one's name from 得名于
be responsible for 为…负责
not only … but well 不仅…而且…
have sth done 让某事被别人做
go wrong 出错
fail to do sth 没能力做某事
slow down 变慢
security check 安检
have a health check  体检
ought to have done 本应该做而没做
one of the first things you will see 你首先看到的东西之一
be connected to 连接
actually 事实
the accurate time 准确时间
clock in / out 上/下班打卡
clock watcher 等待下班的人
around the clock 二十四小时营业
take one's advice 接受某人的建议
of + n = adj. of + 名词 = 形容词
Lesson 72 
the first man to do sth 第一个做某事的人
set up a new world record 创建一个新的世界记录
in length = long 长
in width = wide 宽
reach a speed of 超过
a tyre burst 爆胎
have great difficulty in doing sth 做某事有巨大的困难
be dissappointed to do sth 失望的做某事
follow in one's footsteps 塌着某人的足迹
break into 突然爆发
burst into cheers 爆发出掌声
on average 平均
per/every hour 每小时
specially built for sb 为某人特制
Lesson 73 
play truant from school 逃学
over and over again 一而再,再而三
as far as 最大程度上
towards evening 接近傍晚
in the meantime 在这段期间
pick up 抓住
send back to 送回
local authorities 当局
set up a record 创造一个记录
dream of doing sth 梦想做某事
play truant 逃学
cut class 翘课
cross the border 穿过边界
selfstudy class 自学课
evade taxes 逃税
put sb to shame 使某人黯然失色/羞愧
die of shame  无地自容
to one's shame 令某人惭愧的是
what a shame! 多么惭愧!
creep off 爬行
leave sb outside the city 把某人留在城外
Lesson 74 
a party of 一群
get off 下车
dark glasses 墨镜
take special precautious 采取特殊措施
so that 以至于,表目的
meanwhile 同时
make one's self comfortable 安顿某人
go out of 滚出去
in case 除非
be hard on sb 使某人难堪
in the limelight 公众的焦点
be fond of the limelight 爱出风头
flower bed 花坛
river bed 河床
shady tree 树荫
sneer at sb 朝某人冷笑
why don’t you do = what not  + 动词原形 为什么不做某事
this is a wonderful place for a picnic 这是个野餐的好地方
it couldn't be better 再好不过了
why don't we come more often = why not come more often 我们为什么不经常来这里呢?
don’t be too hard on yourself 别跟自己过不去
get out 出去
get in 近来
get on 进行,继续
get sth off 取下
get sth over 结束
get through 通过
Lesson 75 
fly off course 脱离航线
fly on course 在航线上
some time ago 不久前
baby daughters 女婴
baby boys 男婴
baby face 婴儿肥
be miles away 数英里远
middle of summer 盛夏
middle of winter 隆冬
grow dark 变暗
turn sth into sth 把…变成…
cover sth with sth 用… 覆盖…
hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事
hear sb do sth 听见某人做某事,听见整个过程
early next morning 第二天早上
as … as sb could 尽某人可能
as… as sb possible 尽某人可能
have an idea 有一个注意
stamp out 踩出
on the scene 在现场
a thick rope 一条粗绳
thick eyebrows 浓眉
thick clouds 乌云
thick forest 茂密的森林
send a signal 发一个信号
receive a signal 接收一个信号
give a signal 打手势
the wedding scene 结婚场景
the nude scence 裸露的镜头
before long 不久,很快,一般与将来时连用
A is 5 miles away from B A距离B 5英里远
terribly cold 极其的冷
get bad 变坏
get scarce 变得稀缺
come ture 成真
come loose 变松
Lesson 76 
splendid crop 大丰收
between them 共同努力
day and night 夜以继日
september rains 九月雨季
at the end of 在…的末端
in the end 最后
go back to 返回
leading actor 主要演员
in the process of 在…进程中
at present 目前
a tennis champion 网球冠军
play jokes / tricks 开某人玩笑
as usuall 与平常一样
than usuall 比平常
between us 通过我们的努力
pull down 拉倒
go over 结束
April Fools' Day 愚人节
last scene 最后的镜头
Lesson 77 
have an operation 动手术
take plates of sb 为某人拍片
rare disease 罕见疾病
because of 因为
died of  死于内部原因
died from 死于外部原因
fall to pieces 变成碎片
wax figure 蜡像
Ancient Greek Temple 古希腊苗
heart disease 心脏病
last week 上礼拜
survive the accdient 幸免于车祸
Egyptian pyramids 埃及金字塔
a successful operation 一例成功的手术
the only way to do sth. 唯一的办法
remove a section 取下切片
send sth to spl 把某物送到某处
Lesson 78 
light a cigarette 点了一支烟
calm one's nerves 使某人神经镇定
whole week 整个礼拜
suffer terribly 吃尽苦头
give up smoking 戒烟者
keep on doing sth 持续不断的做某事
make no effort to do sth. 根本不做努力
urge sb to do sth 怂恿某人去做某事
more than I could bear 我无法忍受
things have return to normal 事情一切都变正常了
once more 再一次
point out 指出
name sth 命名
calm oneself down 使某人自己镇定下来
suffer from a disease 由于疾病受苦
concentrate on sth 集中注意
with concentration 专心致志做某事
please concentrate on driving you car 请你集中注意开车
to one's satisfaction  令某人满意的是
to one's delight 令某人欣喜的是
lose one's temper 发脾气
have no appetite 没胃口
have a good appetite 胃口很好
keep away from 远离
keep up with sb. 跟上某人
keep out 切勿入内
keep in 关在
on purpose 故意
be afraid of 害怕
Lesson 79 
a great deal 大量的
South America 南美洲
in the holidays 在假期里
take charge of sb 照顾某人
take care of sb 照顾某人
look after sb 照顾某人
be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事
take off 起飞
gain height 增加高度
turn round 转身,调头
fly back to  飞回某地
keep calm 保持镇定
as soon as 一…就…
touch down 降落
on board 在飞机上
be curious to do sth 好奇的做某事
very important person VIP,贵宾
get a fright 吓一跳
be curious about sth 对… 感到好奇…
take sb off 模仿
take after 长得象
take up 占据/开始
take to doing sth 染上
take in 骗
take down 记下
take over 接管
air hostess 空中小姐
Lesson 80 
be built for 为…而建造
be different from 与…不同
be made of 由…制造
of all time 有史以来
a great many 大量的,修饰可数
on display = on show 在展览
thousands of 成千上万
as…as  与…一样
on + 动词ing  一…就…
burn down 烧毁
in all 总计
Summer Palace 颐和园
a woman of iron 铁娘子
various problems 各种各样的问题
various excuses 各种各样的借口
a piece of machinery 一台机器
go to spl on business 去某地出差
on foot 走路
on duty 值日
on the whole 总体来说
on fire 着火
on purpose 故意的
on the average 平均
on any account 无论如何
on second thought 重新考虑
should have done 本应该做而没做
Lesson 81 
make up 化装
rear mirror  后视镜
the prisoner of war 战俘
change out of 脱去…的衣服
change into  换上…的衣服
in the darkness 在黑暗中
dress in 穿着,表示状态
up and down 到处
here and there 到处
at that moment 就在那时
stand to attention 立正
feel sorry for sb 对某人感到抱歉
there was nothing else one could do 别无选择
knock sb to the ground 把某人打倒在地上
drive off 开走
stand at ease 稍息
as quickly as sb could 尽某人可能快的
shoulder one's responsibilities 肩负责任
sb salute sb 某人向某人行礼,指下级向上级
a sharp blow 猛烈的打击
elder brother/sister 哥哥,姐姐
younger brother/sister 弟弟,妹妹
Lesson 82 
claim to do sth 声称做过某事
laugh at sb 嘲笑某人
at times = some times 有时
be washed to  被冲上
a peculiar fish 一中特殊的鱼
out at sea 远海
pull on the line 上钩
make every effort to do sth 千方百计做某事
make every effort not to do sth 千方百计不做某事
in any way 任何方式
you are a monster 你是个怪物
near-sighted 近视眼
far-sighted 远视眼
a shining cup 一个闪闪发光的杯子
wash up 洗碗
Lesson 83 
the recent elections 最近的大选中
retire from political life 退出政界
a fanatical opponent  狂热的反对者
Radical Progressive Party 激进党派
on duty 值勤
on the following day 第二天
the day after 第三天
lose one's temper 发脾气
once more 再一次
retire from the world 隐居
a film fanatic 电影狂热者
defeat sb 战胜某人
beat sb 打败某人
oppose doing sth 反对做某事
be oppsed to do sth 反对做某事
radical thinker 激进的思想者
radical politician 激进的政治家
ex-wife 前妻
be suspicious of / about sth 怀疑某事
Prime Minister 首相
study hard and make progress every day 好好学习,天天向上.
be in a bad/good mood 心情很坏/很好
be in a bad/good temper 情绪很坏/很好
be in no mood for sth 没心情做某事
be in no mood for doing sth 没心情做某事
Lesson 84 
decide to do sth 决定做某事
go on strike 举行罢工
be due to do sth + 时间 定于…时间做某事
reach an agreement 达成一个协议
on the way to work 去工作的路上
at least 至少
relieve pressure  减轻压力
offer sth to sb 为某人提供
a number of 一些
to some extent 在某种程度上
meanwhile 同时
volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事
expert drivers 开车能手
pass a spectial test 通过一项特殊考试
take the test 参加考试
in two days' time 两天后
even so 即使
find sth difficult 发现某事很困难
so far 到目前为止
express one's gratitude to sb 表达对某人的感激
in spite of 尽管如此
marry sb 与某人结婚
any volunteers? 有自愿的人吗?  Lesson 85 
never too old to learn 活到老学到老
receive a letter from sb 收到某人来信
send sb sth 送某人某物
contribute to sth 为… 做贡献
remember sb for  因为…记住某人
be willing to do sth 心甘情愿做某事
be unwilling to do sth 不愿做某事
a great many 大量的
devote oneself to doing sth 致力于做某事
in one's honour 记念某人
a total of /  in total 总计
inform sb of / about sth 告诉某人某事
be patient with sb 对某人耐心
encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事
A Farewell to Arms 告别武器
a farewell party 告别宴会
in honour of sb 纪念某人
by coincidence 巧合
a curious coincidence 奇妙的巧合
Lesson 86 
out of control 失控
under control 在控制中
swing round 转身
steering wheel 方向盘
come away 脱离
wave to sb 向某人招手
just … when… 一… 就…
come straight 直冲向
continue to do sth 继续做某事
move in a circle 转圈行使
out of danger 远离危险
on this occasion 这一次
slow down 减速
use up 用完
before long 不久
have a swing 荡秋千
desperate housewives 绝望的主妇
a life-long companion 终生伴侣
gasoline station 加油站
Lesson 87 
at the time = when 那时
catch a train 赶火车
be at work 在上班,强调状态
on time 准时
on the morning of the murder 在凶杀案的早上
on the night of the murder 在凶杀案的晚上
give an alibi 给出一个不在犯罪现场的证据
commit murder 犯谋杀罪
commit robbery 犯抢劫罪
commit suicide 自杀
commit a crime 犯一个罪
break down 抛锚
take off 取消
to tell you the truth 实话和你说
assure sb of sth 令某人确信
tell a lie 说谎
Lesson 88 
be trapped in  被困在
lose one's life 丧生
rescue operations 营救工作
cause sth to do 导致…
dril a hole 钻一个孔
on the north side of.. 在…的北面
intend to do sth 打算做某事
in a few hours 在几个小时内
as it is 实际上
enable sb to do sth 能够让某人做某事
keep in touch with sb 和某人保持联系
run out of  用尽
lose heart 丧失信心
have a long way to go 有很长一段路
turn your cellphone on vibration 把你的手机调成振动
safety belts 安全带
run after  追
run over 撞倒
run in 试车
run into 偶然遇见某人
Lesson 89 
a slip of the tongue/pen 口误/笔误
will do anything to do sth. 为了某事会做任何事
even if 即使
get round 传开
rush to see it 冲过去看
queue for hours 排队几小时等候
get in  进去
get out 出来
just before 就在开始时
feel disappointed 感到失望
at the beginning of 在…最开始的时候
stand awkwardly 局促不安的站着
as aoon as 一… 就…
burst into + n 突然爆发出…
burst out + 动名词 突然爆发出…
a slip of the pen 笔误
at present 在目前
be absent from 缺席
jump the queue 插队
should have done 本应该做而没做
needn't have done 过去不必做但已经做了
must have done 肯定已经…
can't have done 不可能…
ought to have done 本应该做而没做,多指礼节上的
Lesson 90 
become more and more 越来越多
it comes as a surprise 让人感到吃惊的
be frighteded out of one's wits 某人被吓得惊慌失措
bump into 撞到
protect sb from  保护某人免受…
not … but… 不是…而是…
as a result 因此
absence of  缺乏,缺少
ticket  shark 黄牛党
a whale of a difference 天壤之别
keep one's wits about 保持某人头脑清醒
a terrifying film 一部恐怖的电影
it is beyond one's wits 超出某人的智慧
beyond one's ability 超出某人能力.
a fall into a pit, a gain in your wit 吃一崭长一智
Lesson 91 
seem to  看起来象
make for 向…前进
inform sb about sth 告诉某人某事
be able to do sth 有能力做某事
be a great danger to … 对…是一个很大的危险
manage to do sth 设法做某事并已成功
order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事
make out 通过努力看到,听到,理解
take photographs  拍照片
soon afterwards 不久,很快之后
see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事
see sb do sth 看见某人做某事,强调整个过程
an airfield 一个停机坪
call in 叫来,多只叫某人帮助
one half..the other half… 一半…另一半…
spy on sth/sb 监视某人/某物
spy sth/sb 看见某人/某物
keep track of sb/sth 跟踪某人/某物
Members of Parliament 议员
Commanding Officer 指挥官
make out  重写
make up 编造,化妆
make up for 弥补
Lesson 92 
ask for trouble 自找麻烦
look for trouble 自找麻烦
must have been 对过去的肯定推测
wake up 叫醒
be fast asleep 熟睡
regret doing sth 后悔做某事
enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事
in the same tone 以同样的语气
hate to do sth 讨厌做某事
be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
sleep soundly 睡得好
sleep tight 睡得好
be sound asleep 很快入睡
in … tone 以…的语气
accuse sb of 控告某人
she has a sarcastic tongue 她喜欢挖苦人 

Lesson 93 
be presented to  被送到
sth takes sb sometime to do  某事花费某人时间做
be made of 由…制成
at the entrance of 在…的入口处
take … to pieces/move in parts 把…卸开
put … together 把… 装配起来
the following year 第二年
by the end of 在…的末端
a symbol of liberty 自由的象征
a symbol of peace 和平的象征
ever since then 自从那以后
pass through 路过
make one's homes 定居
in fact = actually 事实上
contruction site 建筑工地
Lesson 94 
be instructed in/ to do sth. 被指导做…
at a very early year 在很早的年龄
become expert at sth 在某方面成为专家
be reluctant to do sth 不愿做某事
hold one's breath 屏住呼吸
be accustomed to doing sth 习惯做某事
be popular with sb 深受…的欢迎
line up 排队
compete with 与…竞争
cover the whole length 行过一整段距离
only the time will tell 只有时间能够说明
come up for breath 升上水面换气
Lesson 95 
return home 回家
get a shock  吓了一跳
look pale 看起来苍白
in a frightful state 处于可怕的状态
get into 陷入
get into habit of doing sth 养成一个坏习惯
set sth on fire 放火烧
good heavens 天哪
as usual 与往常一样
break out 突然爆发出…
at the time = when 就在那时
get sb posted 把某人打发走
aim at 瞄准
be on fire 着火
go on doing sth 继续做某事(同一件)
go on to do sth 继续做某事(做完一件做另一件)
fire a shot 开了一枪
inside out 里外相反
upside down 上下颠倒
back to front 乱七八糟
fire it 开火
shoot it 开枪
light it up 点燃 

Lesson 96 
A Festival for the Dead 亡灵节
once a year 一年一次
be said to do sth 据说做某事
the living 活着的
be expected to do sth 被料到做某事
Specially- made 特制的
lay out 摆出
all night long = the whole night 一整晚
in the early morning 第二天一大早
be thrown into 被仍进…
throw sth to spl 把某物仍到某处
throw sth at sb 用某物砸向某人
the night before 前一夜
on the journey to 在…的途中
on the shore 在岸上
thousands of 成千上万
crowds of 一群群的
no more 不在
the other world 在另一个世界