
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 11:05:05


他们认识了三年,二人同是羞涩内向,个性保守,他从来没有在她面前提过爱,然而,她依稀可从他羞涩眼眸中察觉那一股灼灼爱意。几次三番,她向他暗示鼓励,他却仍是木呐呆傻,不敢开口。岁月飘逝,三年后她跟另一个男孩订了婚,在订婚前夕却仍忘不了他。 “如果他现在开口,说出那一句话,我还是愿意回到他的怀抱。”在亲友的祝福声中她这么想着,可是他什么也没有表示,只不过眼神里多了一股淡淡的忧郁。 终于,到了结婚前夕,在她新婚的喜悦中却搀杂着一股淡淡的哀伤。 “如果他现在开口,说出那一句话,我还是愿意放弃一切,选者这份迟来的幸福。”在试穿新婚礼服的一刻她这么想着,可是他什么也没有表示,只不过眼神中的忧郁更浓了些。 五十年后,二人都以白发苍苍。终于,她先到了下去,在病危中,他远从外地来看她。她紧紧握住他的手,把一生中的疑惑与等待化成一句问话:“告诉我,你究竟在等什么?”他四顾无人,颤抖着声音说出了也是一生中的彷徨与等待:“我在等你。” “等我什么?” “等你先开口啊!”


They had know each other for 3 years.Both of them were of conservative type,shy and introveted.Although he had never mentioned the word of love in her persence.She was able to vaguely detect burning passion for her in his different look.She dropped one hint after another to encourage him,but he remained big fool never dare to disclose to his own thought.Time passed by so quickly , 3 years later she was engaged to another young man .However she could not drive his image away from her mind on the eve of the engagement.
"If he comes and proposes now,I‘m still willing to go back to him."She complained amidst the congratulations of her relatives and friends .Yet he did nothing of the sort at the difference of the look was a faint streak of melancholy.
At least,it was the eve of marriage ,neverthe less ,for happiness of marriage mingled with a touch of sadness.
"Even if he should come and propose now,I would give up all this in favor of this belatedhappiness."She said to herself as she tried wedding gown,but again he was as silent as ever only his eyes betrayed great misery.
Fifty years passed and passage of the time turned theeir hair silvery white .She was the first to collapse.In her critical condition,he come from other place to see her.Holding his hand in tight grip.She asked him one question into which she had compressed the perplexities and expectations of the life time "Tell me ,what on earth have you been waiting for?" "waiting for you to ..."he mumbled out his life long hesitations and expectations only when he made sure no one else was within hearing .
"For me what?"
"For you to break the ice!"