中国城市信息化是什么:初中英语疑难例析300例 (179---195)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 11:48:50

179.这是形式主语it 还是there be 句型

     Have ____ been any changes in your home town

Ait     Byou    Cthat    Dthere

此题应选D。容易误选A,误认为这里应填形式主语。其实考生只要想一想,假若选Ait 是形式主语,那么请问此句真正的主语是什么?(找不到!)正确的分析:此句为there be-句型,这里要特别注意的是:there be结构不仅可以有各种时态,而且还可以与情态动词以及happenappearseem 等动词连用。本题用的就是there be-句型的现在完成时态的一般疑问句形式。

以下各句用的是否是there be-句型,你看得出来吗?

1 There is going to ____ an English film the day after tomorrow

Ahave    Bbe    Cdo     Dsee

2 ____ have been many such accidents here

AIt        BThere  CThey    DWe

3 ____ used to be a big tree in front of the old house

AIt        BThere    CThey   DThat

4There must have ____ something wrong with the machine

Abeen     Bgone     Chad    Ddone

5 ____ happened to be a foreign teacher there

AIt        BThere    CThey   DThat

6There seems to ____ a storm soon

Ahave     Bbe     Cfall      Dblow

答案:1B 2B 3B 4A 5B 6B


180.这是prevent…from 句型吗

      We must prevent pollution ____ happily

Ato live             Bfrom living

Cliving              Don living

此题应选A。容易误选B。主要是受prevent…from 的影响。关于prevent sb from doing sth(阻止某人做某事)这一句型,考生要注意:其中的sb 与其后的doing sth 通常有逻辑上的主谓关系:

The heavy rain prevented us from going.大雨使我们不能去。

us going 有主谓关系)

Nothing will prevent me from marrying her.谁也阻止不了我娶她为妻。

me marrying her 有主谓关系)

上面一题假若选Bfrom living),那么句中的pollution 应与其后的living happily 有逻辑上的主谓关系,这显然是荒唐的。上题选A,其中的to live happily 为目的状语,全句意为:为了生活愉快,我们必须阻止污染。


1Use an umbrella to ____ you from the rain

Astop            Bprevent

Ckeep           Dprotect

2The letter I looked forward to ____ yesterday

Acome           Bcame

Ccoming         Dcomes

3He was in great need of moneyso he ____ 800 for his  car

Apaid             Btook

Ccost              Dspent

答案:1.D 2.B 3.B

181.这个make 是使役动词吗

   The cave was quite dark insideso he made some candles ____light

Agive     Bto give    Cgiving    Dgiven

此题应选B。容易误选A。误认为句中的made 是使役动词,其后的动词用原形。

其实本句中的made 不是使役动词,而是指制作等义,全句意为:洞里很黑,所以他做了些蜡烛来照明。


He made a large box to put his letters in


They made larger buses to carry more passengers


比较make 用作使役动词的用法:

1make +宾语 +动词原形:

He made me go there alone

The boss made the worker work more than 10 hours a day


He was made to do so.他被迫这样做。

2make +宾语 +过去分词

He could not make his voice heard.他讲话别人听不清。

When you speak Englishbe sure to make yourself understood


3.注意:make 后一般不接带现在分词的复合结构:

正:His joke made us laugh.他的笑话使我们笑了。

误:His joke made us laughing.


    I don't know if it ____ or not tomorrow

Arain     Brains    Cwill ran   Dis raining

此题应选C。容易误选B。稍有点英语基础的人都知道英语中有这样一个习惯:当主句为一般将来时或含有将来含义时,其时间状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句等,通常要用一般现在时表示将来意义。所以考生一见到此句,就不加思索地认为应选B。其实,句中if 引导的不是条件状语从句(if≠如果),而是宾语从句(if = 是否),句意为:我不知道明天是否会下雨。


1I don't know if he ____ but if he ____ I will let you know

Acomescomes         Bwill comewill come

Ccomeswill come       Dwill comecomes

2The weather report says that it ____ tomorrowbut if it

____ ____ we will stay home

Arainsrains       Bwill rainwill rain

Crainswill rain     Dwill rainrains

3—When ____ he come

—I don't knowbut When he ____ I'll tell you

Adoescomes       Bwillwill come

Cdoeswill          Dwillcomes

答案:1D 2D 3D

183.这个引导宾语从句的that 可省略吗

    He says ____ he is attacked he will certainly counterattack

Aif     Bthat     Cif  that    Dthat if


He says that he will certainly counterattack if he's attacked


按照语法规则:当主句与宾语从句之间插有其它成分时,引导宾语从句的that 通常不能省略。


正:She promisedthatshe would give him a lot of money if anyone found her son

正:She promised that if anyone found her son she would give him a lot of money


正:He saidthat he would leave when his wife came back

正:He said that when his wife came back he would leave

误:He said when his wife came back he would leave


正:She saidthatshe loved me in the letter

正:She said in the letter that she loved me

误:She said in the letter she loved me


184.单音节形容词不能用more 构成比较级吗

    —I think he is wise

—Nohe is ____ than wise

Abrave      Bbraver    Cmore Brave    Dbravest

此题应选C。容易误选B。误选的理由主要是认为brave 为单音节形容词,一定要用- er 构成比较级。要解决这个问题,要先从比较句型的两种不同类型说起:



He is fatter than his wife.他比他妻子胖。

He is braver than you.他比你勇敢。

This book is more interesting than that one.这本书比那本书更有趣。

What he says is more important than this.他说的比这更重要。





They are more brave than wise.他们有勇无谋。

He's more fat than short.与其说他矮,不如说他胖。

He is more good than bad.与其说他是个坏蛋,不如说他是个好人。

注意:同类异质比较,只能用more 构成比较级,不能用-er 形式。另外,这类结构有时可补充出被省略的主语和谓语:

He is more fat than short=He is more fat than he is short

 185good and fast =“又快又好

   —He speaks very good English

—NoI don't think soBut he really speaks ____ and fast

Agood     Bwell     Cbad      Dbadly

此题应选A。容易误选B。误选的理由主要是:修饰动词speak 要用副词well,而不能用形容词good。其实此题选Bwell)的错误不在于修饰问题,因为单独看He speaks  well and fast.并没有什么不妥。但在本题这样的语境中,选Bwell)与上文显然是自相矛盾。

此题正确答案为Agood),其理由是:good and 是一习惯用语,其义相当于verycompletely 等,通常放在形容词或副词前,加强语气:

He was good and tired.他很累了。

It was good and cold in the room.房间里很冷。

The soup was good and hot.这汤很烫。

—The boy was bad.这孩子很坏。

—YesHe was good and bad.是的,他确实很坏。

有时,也可以将以上用法中的good 换成nicefinebiglovely等:

The house stands nice and high.这房子很高。

The car is going nice and fast.这车跑得很快。

The grass is fine and tall.草长得很高。

It was a lovely and warm day.那是很暖和的一天。

The boss was always big and busy.老板总是很忙。

The book is fine and expensive.这本书很贵。

186.这个all what 用得对吗

    He told us ____ he had done in the past

Aall what     Ball which    Cwhat all    Dthat all


1.因为what 不是关系代词,所以不能引导定语从句。

2.因为whatall that,所以all what 不能同时使用。

3.因为下面各例中的all What 都是错的:


正:What he said is wrong

正:Allthathe said is wrong

误:All what he said is wrong


正:I gave him all[=what]I had

正:I gave him allthatI had

误:I gave him all what I had

以上分析基本上对的,但本题所涉及的句子有个特殊之处,就是all what 前有个人称代词us。此句选Aall what)的理由是:all 用作其前人称代词us 的同位语(而不用作动词told 的直接宾语),全句意为:



aMy parents are both for the plan.我父母俩人都支持这一计划。

both my parents 的同位语)

bMy parents are all for the plan.我父母完全支持这一计划。

(all 为副词,意为“完全”,修饰其后介词短语for the plan)

187not a bit not a little 同义吗

   aAfter such a long walk in such hot weather he was not ____tired

bWe are not ____ tiredOf course we can go on with the work

Aa bita little        Ba littlea bit

Ca bita bit         Da littlea little


1.在肯定句中,a bit a little 有时可换用:

He is a bit[a little]tired.他有点累了。

It is a bit[a little]hot.有点热。


not a bit 表示一点也不(=not at all

not a little 表示非常(=very

1aThe book is not a bit interesting.这本书一点也没有趣。

bThe book is not a little interesting.这本书很有趣。

2aThis kind of car is not a bit expensive.这种汽车一点也不贵。

bThis kind of car is not a little expensive.这种汽车很贵。

3aHe was not a bit surprised when he heard the news


bHe was not a little surprised when he heard the news


 188.能说keep opening

    He was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes ____

Aopen    Bopening    Copened    Dto open

此题应选A。容易误选B。主要是受keep?doing 这一常用句式的影响。

做好本题的关键是要分清:open 表示这一意义时,是形容词还是动词。

1open 用作形容词时,表示状态,意为开着的

His eyes were wide open.他的眼睛睁得大大的。

The shop isn't open today.商店今天不开门。

2open 用作动词时,表示动作,意为

Open your mouth and say“ah”.张开嘴说

Please open the window.请打开窗户。

open 用作动词,是终止性动词,通常不能用来表示这一动作的持续。



正:The door has been open for a week

误:The door has been opened for a week


正:Keep the window open at night

误:Keep the window opening at night

通过以上分析,我们可以清楚地知道:上面一题应用keep…open,而不能用keep …opening,其道理已很显然。假若我们要用keep…opening,那其实就是要使open 这一终止性动作不断地反复发生,这显然是荒唐的。


189.此题选terribly 能行吗

     We all like himfor he is ____ kind to us

Aseldom   Bnever   Cseriously   Dterribly


本题选Dterribly)的理由是:副词terribly 除用于一般意义的可怕地厉害地等义外,在口语中还可表示非常

Does your leg hurt terribly?你的腿痛得厉害吗?

I am terribly sorry to have kept you waiting.十分抱歉,让你久等了。

Our English teacher was terribly kind to us.我们的英语老师对我们好极了。

注意:badly 也有类似用法:即它既可以表示一般意义的严重等,在口语中也可表示非常等:

He was badly injured in the accident.他在那次事故中受了重伤。

He wants to see his girlfriend badly.他非常想见他的女朋友。

Mr Smith was badly in need of money.史密斯先生急需要钱。

在口语中表示迫切地非常等义时多与wantneedbe in need of 等连用;一般不与其它动词连用(若是与其它动词连用则要用greatly very much 等)。


190.这个like 表示喜欢

     He is too lazyStudents like him ____ get good marks in exams

Anot to    Bto not   Cdon't      Dnot

此题应选C。容易误选A。出错的原因主要是受like sb to do sth like sb not to do sth 这类句型的影响。其实只要考生有一定的英语语感,把这个句子读一遍便知这句中的like 不是动词,而是介词(意为?一样),所以此句的空格处实际上就是句子谓语,因此填C.这也就顺理成章了(全句意为:他很懒,像他那样的学生考试是不会得高分的)。


aHe is a bad manand people like him should be punished


bHe is a bad manand people like him to be punished


试做下面一题(注意根据句意判定like 的意义与用法):

aThe boy sings welland children like him ____ for them

bThe boy sings welland children like him ____ trained to be a singer

Ato singto be             Bcan singcan be

Cto singcan be           Dcan singto be


191.这个of 与谁搭配

     We've talked a lot ____ carsWhat ____ trains

Aofof              Bofabout

Caboutof           Daboutabout

此题应选D。容易误选AB(尤其是误选B)。后面一空填介词about,这比较好理解,但第一空很容易受a lot of 这一短语的影响,而误选AB

假若第一空填介词of,从而构成a lot of,很显然句中的a lot of cars 应该是动词talked 的宾语,然而事实上动词talk 是一个不及物动词,所以这种分析是不成立的。此题第一空应填about,其原因是:句中的a lot 是修饰动词talked的状语,talk about 才是一个动词短语。全句意为:我们对汽车已谈了不少,现在谈谈火车怎么样?


1We keep in touch ____ writing often

Awith     Bof    Con    Dby

2We all regarded the poor old man ____ sympathy

Aas      Bwith   Cof    Dby

3We've decided to leave ____ the farm at once

Aon      Bto     Cfor   Dat

4He wasn't worried ____ the sad news

Aabout    Bwith   Cat   Din

5What were you good ____ school

Aat at     Bon on   Cin in   Dto to

答案:1D 2B 3C 4C 5A

192.这个Would you 后应选用哪个词

       —Would you ____ going with us

—YesI'd like to

Amind      Blike     Cplease     Dfeel like


Would you mind?

Would you like?

Would you please?



选项Amind)错的原因在于其下文的答语。问句是问对方是否介意做某事,对方先用Yes 来回答,说明是介意的,这显然与下文I'd like to 相矛盾。选项Blike)错的原因为:其后应接带to 的不定式(而不能接动名词)。选项Cplease)错的原因为:其后应接不带to 的不定式(不能接动名词)。

本题应选Dfeel like 的意思是想要好像要,其后要接名词或动名词形式:

It feels like rain.好像要下雨了。

I don't feel like a cup of tea.我不想喝茶。

I don't feel like going out for a walk.我不想出去散步。


193newspaper 是可数名词还是不可数名词

      When I came inmy father was reading ____ in bed

Aa newspaper        Ba piece of newspaper

Cnewspaper          Da pile of newspaper

此题应选A。容易误选BC。因为构成newspaper news (消息)和paper(纸)都是不可数名词,所以不少考生受此影响误认为newspaper(报纸)也是不可数名词。其实,newspaper 表示供阅读的一张一张的报纸,是规则的可数名词:

Give me some newspapers to read.给我几张报纸读。

When I enteredhe was reading a newspaper.我进来时他在读报纸。

但是若不是将newspaper 当作是供阅读或传递信息的一种东西,而是把它仅仅当成一种来看待,则也可以是不可数名词:

Wrap it ina sheet ofnewspaper.把它用(一张)报纸包起来。

类似地:请注意tear(眼泪)一词,有的考生对此是这样推理的:眼泪泪水,而泪水是一种水,水不可数,所以眼泪tear)不可数。但事实上,tear 在通常情况下却是一个可数名词:

He was moved to tears.他被感动得流了泪。

When I told her the unpleasant newsI saw two great tears coming down her face




    —How long have you been here

— ____ the end of last month

AIn    BBy    CAt    DSince

此题应选D。其余三项均很容易被错选。考生选错此题的主要原因是受in the endby the end ofat the end of 等这类常用短语的影响,而没有分析对话上下文的语境。此题选Dsince)的主要原因是因为对话的上句为现在完成时态,句意为:你来这里有多久了(指从过去持续到现在的一段时间)?所以其答语应该是一个能从过去持续到现在的时间段。


1—When did you finish the work

— ____ the end of last month

AIn    BBy    CAt    DSince

2—When had you finished the work

— ____ the end of last month

AIn   BBy    CAt   DSince

3—Didn't he finish his work in time

—Noso he was punished ____ the end

Ain   Bby   Cat   Dsince


4—Did you know anything about it

—Not ____ you told me

Aatfer    Bwhen   Cas   Duntil

答案:1C 2B 3A 4D

195.这个fish 是单数还是复数
____ big fishWhere did you get them
AWhat a BWhat CHow DHow a
此题应选B。容易误选A。有的考生选错此题多半是因为未读完题目的全句就选出了答案。此题由于fish(鱼)的单复数同形,而考生因未注意到句末的them,所以就误认为此句中的fish 是单数意义,从而作出错误选择。
aHow +adjadv +主语 +谓语!
bWhataan +adj +名词 +主语 +谓语!
大家知道,在b 类句型中,假若句中的名词是复数或不可数名词,那么其前是不能用aan 的。对于这一点,许多考生的理解是肤浅的,他们只知道bookspensboysgirlstreescom- puters 等明显有词尾-s 的是复数,但对于那些没有词尾-s,尤其是那些单复数同形的复数名词就很容易忽略;另一方面,有的考生对airwatermilkrice等明显的不可数名词分得很清楚,但对于luckfunweatheradviceinformationprogresshome- work 等不可数名词就很容易忽略。请做试题:
1 ____ bad luck
AWhat a BWhat CHow DHow a
2 ____ great fun it is
AWhat a BWhat CHow DHow a
3 ____ progress he has made since he came here
AWhat a BWhat CHow DHow a
答案:1B 2B 3B