吴江旧数控车床回收:“限”字被选为年度汉字 突发事件制造网络热词

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 22:42:12
2011年12月21日 07:12:12
来源: 新京报

“HOLD住”高居热词榜首。据介绍,“HOLD住”有“兜得住”的意思。2011年8月9日,台湾一档综艺节目《大学生了没》中,表演者“miss lin”的口头禅“整个场面我要HOLD住”在网络疯传,“HOLD住”一词随即走红网络。
HOLD住 2898821次
乔布斯 2274587次
高铁 1801925次
地沟油 1738572次
校车 1639473次
郭美美 1569879次
伤不起 1363711次
PM2.5 931724次
谣盐 864319次
占领华尔街 778516次
"Limit" word was chosen for the annual Chinese emergency manufacturing network hot words
December 21, 2011 07:12:12
Source:The Beijing news
Xinhua micro bo

The text:biginsmall】 【print】
Yesterday afternoon, the largest Chinese wikipedia interactive web site wikipedia, in the national library hold "2011 Internet ten hot words, annualChinese charactersConference ".
In 2011 the Internet ten hot word list ranking list in order:HOLDLive, Steve jobs, high iron, edible oils, the school bus, GuoMeiMei, can't afford to hurt, salt, occupation, folk song PM2.5 Wall Street.
"HOLD live" hot words at the top.According to introducing, "HOLD live" to have a "pocket lived" means.On August 9, 2011, Taiwan a variety show "college students didn't", the performers "miss Lin" mantra "the whole scene I will HOLD live" in the network crazy, "HOLD live" is a word to immediately popular network.
At the same time, 2011 annual Chinese characters:limit.A "limited" word, through the year, pretty impressive.This year, "limit" word made a good summary, also let people to know the characters.
It is reported that in 2011 the Internet ten hot words, issued a year.The big ten hot words chosen by the main four approaches: according to total more than 590 interactive encyclopedia entries hits, modified version data statistics a article 30 candidate hot words;Interactive encyclopedia, micro bo opened vote channel;Experts vote;Comprehensive experts and users to vote opinion, finally the judges decided.
Reading: "limit" including, the domestic market "limit" price, "limit" purchase;The "limited", "limit" line;"Limit" TV broadcast "limit" entertainment "limit" wide;Foreign "limit" the government budget;"Limit" the greenhouse gas emissions, etc.
Hot words hit list
HOLD live 2898821 times
Steve jobs 2274587 times
High iron 1801925 times
Hogwash oil 1738572 times
The school bus 1639473 times
GuoMeiMei 1569879 times
Injury not 1363711 times
PM2.5 931724 times
Dear salt 864319 times
Capture the Wall Street 778516 times
Comment on
"Emergency manufacturing hot words"
Chinese press President WangXuMing evaluation said, 2011-2012 years of 10 hot words, was more about the people's livelihood, life level, not dazzle cruel, many words and life;This year a lot of hot words, and emergencies with more closely, such as moving car, the school bus, high iron.
"Moving car, the school bus, GaoTieBen should not become the hot words, because we deal with them every day, and becomes the hot words, because appeared incident.", said wang xuming, PM2.5 arouse people's attention, it is because of the Beijing's fog weather.
He also said that, some uncertain factors, bring the rapid expansion of vocabulary, is this year's a special outstanding characteristics, ever more lay particular stress on some scoff, lay particular stress on some express some views of meaning."This our Internet and Internet users more and more and more close to reality, topic life. (reporter ZhongYuWei)