
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 13:02:05

1. Some students were afraid ____in class because they thought their classmates might laugh at them.

A  of  speak      B  to speak     C  speak     D  to speaking

1. Some students were afraid ____in class because they thought their classmates might laugh at them.

A  of  speak      B  to speak     C  speak     D  to speaking

2.  I found ____ difficult to learn English grammar.

   A  it     B  that     C  it is      D  that is

3.  He decided ____school late again.

  A  to come    B  don’t come    C  come not to   D  not  to come to 

4. She needs a partner ______

  A  to practice English with    B  practicing English 

  C  to practicing English with   D  practice English with

5.Stop chatting .I have ____ to tell you.

 A anything important   B something important  C important anything D important something

6. It’s good that _____have their own ideas about life as well as about being cool.

 A  the young     B  youth   C the young man  D  young 

7.My grandfather ___ me stories when I  was young .

 A  was used to tell   B  is used to telling  C  used to tell   D used to telling 

8. When I was a student , I was used to _____ at six .

 A  get up  B getting up  C gets up  D  geting up

9. It is ____ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.

 A  more   B  little     C  less   D  much

10. My brother is ___to carry the heavy box by himself .

 A old enough   B enough old  C enough strong    D strong enough 

11. I must get my homework ____,

 A  done   B  does  C  do  D  did

12. People are not allowed ____ in the cinema , but they will allow ____in the rest room.

 A to smoke, smoke  B smoking , to smoke  C to smoke , smoking D smoking ,smoke

13.The music sounds _____

 A  well     B  nicely    C  good     D  beautifully 

14. _____ to improve our English?

 A What do you think we should do     B Do you think what do we should

 C What do you think should we      D Do you think what should we do 

15. His bike is broken .It needs _____soon.

 A  be repair    B to mend   C to be repaired  D being mend

16. Three more men ____to do the work every day   .

 A were needed  B  need   C  are needing   D  are needed

17. He is against ______ computer games.

 A  playing     B plays    C play     D to play 

18.He was too hungry , so he ate ____in the evening.

 A  plenty of  B   a lot of     C  many  D  a lot

19.I don’t know _____.

 A  what to do it  B  how to do  C  what to do   D  to do what  

20.I don’t know if I _____anyone at the party this evening.

   If I _____anyone ,  I will get nervous.

A will know, won’t know   B will know ,don’t know

 B know, won’t know  D know , don’t know

21.Tom is afraid to speak in ______public.

 A the    B a       C  an     D /

22. The professor always has good solutions_____others’ problems.

 A of     B to    C with    D about

23. If you take my ______, please don’t tell _____about it.

 A  advice ,any  B advices, some    C advices, someone   D advice , anyone

24.They are hardly ever tired ,______they?

 A are     B aren’t     C will     D won’t

25.I’ll have a test ______ writing next week.

A at     B of      C on     D in

26.If you have any ideas ______, please return them to him.

 A whose gloves are these   B whose gloves is this

 C whose gloves these are   D whose gloves this is

27._____ has been found out ____ oil food is bad for our health

 A That , that     B That ,what   C It , what    D It , that

28  I prefer music that_____ great lyrics.

 A  have    B has      C there is     D there are 

29. I only eat food that tastes _______.

 A well      B nicely     Cgood     D deliciously

30 The Greeen family would like to_______for about three weeks.

 A leave home    B go out     C come to China      D be away

31. I hope ____have a happy year in our class.

 A   you to      B or you  C to you    D you 

32. The two men walked ______ the forest and got to a small house.

 A  across   B through   C  crossing    D over

33.The girl _____ her mother . I know her mother likes reading,too.

 A takes after    B looks after    C similar  D takes care

34. Don’t put off ____ to see the doctor when you are ill.

 A  go    B to go      C going     D gone

35.He spent every Sunday morning _____ in an old people’s home.

 A  to work   B working   C worked  D works

36.He ___ to read , so he always puts his ___ to good use by working in the after- school care center at his elementary school.

 A love ,loves   B loves ,love  C loving,loving    D loves ,loves

37.The sudden rain made ______for the singers to put on performces

 A  that possible  B  that impossible   C  it possible  D  it impossible

38.____ ill, I can’t go to school today.

 A Because of   B As      C Being      D With 

39. This watch ______China .

 A was made in  B was made by   C was made from   D was made of

40. ____ our football team won .

 A By the end     B In the end    C At the end of  D Final

41.The headmaster announced that there would ____ an English speech contest next month. 

 A  have     B has   C to have    D be

42. Did you go to the movie with Lucy?   No , I _____

 A  didn’t invite   B wasn’t invited  C hadn’t invited  D wasn’t inviting

43. –Excuse me, could you tell me ______? ---Of course

 A when had the train left the station    B where is the nearest  the hospital 

 C if it will be windy tomorrow  D how much did the car cost

44. Must I do my homework ?   --- No you _____.

 A mustn’t     B can’t    C needn’t    D  won’t

45. ---I don’t know ______next.  – You could ask your teacher for  help.

 A how to do     B what to do   C . why to do    D when to do 

46. Tom asked his friend ______.

 A  not to be so angry    B that knowledge is power.

 C  when did he come back     D where was he born

47.I find ___ a little difficult to remember the English words.

 A  that    B it     C this     D them

48 What are you nervous_____, Jenny.?

 A  in     B at   C on   D about

49.We should ____ that.

 A  thinking of     B thought of     C have thought  of   D have thinking of

50. Don’t get _____when you listen to the old.

 A bored     B boring      C tiring     D excited

51. I don’t like the people who always keep me ______.

 A  wait    B waiting      C to wait    D waited

52.—Do you like loud music ? --- I am often ______ want to leave by it.

 A  made     B made to    C making    D making to 

53.The pen doesn’t work .I need to buy a new one to write_____

 A with     Bin       C on      D /

54.—You want to improve your spoken English. Why ____an English languageclub?

 ----Good idea.

  A don’t join    B not join     C not to join    D not you join

55.If you have some trouble ____the railway station ,please ask the police for help .

  A finding     B finding out     C looking for   Ddiscovering

56.—I don’t know ______I should do with so many eggs.   –You can sell them.

 A  how    B why   C  what    D when  

57.There used _____an old church here, but now we can see a park here.

 A  to have    B was    C to be      D had

58.Everyone is _____to find that the little boy can play the piano so well. He is only 5 years old.

 A  interested     B surprised     C excited   D frustrated

59. My calculator is ________more expensive than yours.

 A  fairly     B very   C quite    D much

60.I’d like to go there by bike ______by car.

 A. not       B instead    C than     D rather than

61. At last , Mr Li ______a good idea , everyone felt happy.

A  thought     B thought of      C came up with   D thought about

62.---Why hasn’t Tom come here? ----He ____ill at home.

 A  maybe     B may be       C was        D can’t  be

63.-- ____does the book ____? ----Linda . She bought it this morning.

 A  Whose , be    B How much, cost  C Whose , belong to    D Who , belong to 

64. The girl is too shy , she ____some  time  with her friends.

 A  doesn’t need spending    B needn’t spend  C needs to spend  D needed spending 

65. I learn English by watching English – language videos______.

 A  sometimes     B sometime     C some time     D some times

66. Just now I saw some young children _____together on the playground .

 A  are playing    B playing     C to play    D have played

67. –The boy can hardly speak Chinese, _______? –No, He’s been in China for only a few weeks.

 A  can he    B can’t he    C does he     D doesn’t he

68.It’s very impolite ___you ____in line.

 A  of ,to cut    B for , cut   C of , cut    D for ,to cut

69. My life ____a lot in the last few years .

 A  change    B has changed     C changed   D changes 

70.At that time, I was only ____11-year-old boy, I was a 'problem child”.

 A  a    B an      Cthe    D /

71. My friend Jenny has moved to ____city , I miss her often

 A . other    B another      C others     D the others

72.This guitar might ___Alice. She plays the guitar.

 A  be   B has    C comes  from    D belong to 

73.—Do you prefer grapes ____bananas?----I prefer grapes ______bananas.

 A  to, or   B or ,to    C than ,to     D or , than

74. Why can’t we ______to have more time to relax?

 A. are allowed     B to allow     C be allowed    D allow

75.Nobody except Lily and Linda ____the man in a white T-shirt.

 A  know    B  is knowing    C have known  D knows

76.She ______speak in class because she thought her classmates would laugh at her.

 A  was afraid of   B is afraid to   C was  afraid  to   D is not afraid of 

77. I have ____the English club for three terms.

 A  joined     B been in     C taken part in  D become a member of 

78.You ____to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do .

 A  needn’t to come  B don’t need to come  C needn’t coming  D didn’t need coming

79. –May I go swimming now,Mum ?

  ---No, you ____. You must finish your homework first.

 A  mustn’t    B may not  C couldn’t    D needn’t

80. The bridge in my hometown is about  _______meters long.

 A  two hundred of  B two hundreds of  C two hundred    D two hundreds

81. If he _____his father , he’d spend more time studying English.

 A  is     B was    C were     D will be 

82 Thanks to the _____English course , I can live in the USA easily.

 A  six-months     B six- months’   C six –month    D six months

83.The fish smells so _____. ---Thanks . Mum cooks fish very ______.

 A  good, good  B well,good     C well,well     D good  ,well

84.What ______you most?   ---Basketball does . I like it best.

 A  interest    B interests     C interesting      D interested

85.How I miss you !I ____you to come here to see me.( which is wrong)

 A  hope     B expect    C like    D want

86.---Do you know when the calculator _______? ---Yes , in 1876.

 A  invented    B inventing     C was inventing  D was invented

87.Did you notice him ______out of the house ?

 A  to leave    B leave    C left     D leaves

88.When your homework ______, you can watch TV.

 A is finished    B finishes     C finished  D is finishing

89. At last the man ______a woman who was two years older than him.

 A  married with   B got married   C married    D got married with

90.As soon as the bell for break rang, the boys _____to the playground.

 A  ran into    B ran out of     C ran after    D  ran out

91.We should only obey all the school rules ,_______?

 A don’t     B aren’t     C can’t    D shouldn’t

92.It’s good for you not to eat ______that’s been cooked in oil.

A anything     B something    C everything     D nothing

93.Last night I listened to a CD______Heart Strings.

A  which calls   B that called     C called    D calls

94.Let’s try to be__ honest person.

A  a    B an    C the    D/

95. I think you will look more beautiful if you wear shoes _____adjustable heals.

A  have     B has  C with    D there are

96. Sometimes ,when it’s rainy, I go to school ______my father’s car.

A  in    B on      C by    D from

97.I was _____ because I didn’t go to bed until 3o’clock a.m  last night.

A embarrassed    B amazed    C excited     D exhausted

98.Yesterday I received a card that ____ “Happy New Year” .

A  says   B tells     C speaks    D writes

99.Can you tell me ____ you can come to my birthday party on Friday or not.?

A  that    B if    C when     D whether

100. “Help _____to some chicken.” Mrs Smith said to us as soon as the chicken was served.

A  yourself    B you    C yourselves     Dyours 

101.There are many trees on_____sides of the road. They were planted several years ago.

A  each   B both    C either    D every

102.Though it was late , ______he went on with his work.

A but    B and    C so    D /

103. Every summer we will have a _____holiday after the exam.

 A  two month    B two-month     C two-months   D two months

104.Can you tell me ____you can come to my birthday party on Friday or not?

 A that    B if       C when     D whether

105. This room is big enough for all of us ______.

 A live     B living in    C to live in    D to live 

106.All the workers were made ______some extra hours last month.

 A. work      B. to work     C worked     D working

107.Is this _____that you saw in the street yesterday?

 A one    B the man    C that   D he

108.You can talk with anyone ______you think  is  .friendly.

 A who    B whom   C which    D the one

109. All _____I want ______a room somewhere.

 A that ,is     B what, is     C what ,are    D that are 

110. Susan is a girl _____bike was borrowed by me yesterday.

 A whose    B who   C whom     D that

111.Is this the coat you ____last Sunday.?

 A bought   B have bought  it   C bought it  D had bought

112.Look! The man who is ____the bus stop is my English teacher.

 A waiting for    B waiting on  C waiting at    D waiting up

113.My father prefers ______to staying at home. He loves playing sports.

 A to play football   B to travel    C playing football    D traveling

114. My brother told me there was a good movie ______TV the next week.

 A on  B on the    C in    D about

115.The children find that they have no paper_______.

A to write   B to write with    Cto write on  D write on

116. Why _____home tomorrow? I miss my parents.

 A not go    B not going    C not to go    D didn’t go

117.The TV set is too loud . Would you please _____?

 A turn down  it  B turn it down    C to turn down it  D to turn it down

118.It’s cold outside . You’d better _____your coat.

 A to put on  B putting on  C puts on   D put on

119. The toy you bought in the USA ______in China.

 A made     B makes     C was making    D was made

120.Our sports meeting has been _____till next Monday because of the bad weather .

 A put on    B put off  C put up   D put down

121.I’m not sure if it_____tomorrow. If it ______, we won’t climb the South Hill.

 A will snow, snows   B will snow,will snow  C snows , snows   D snows ,will snow

122. –Would you like to visit Shantou City with me this summer vacation?

---No, I ______it before. Besides , it’s hot and humid in summer.

 A visit    B visited    C will visit    D have visited

123. The teacher asked me _____I had finished my homework and I said “Yes”.

 A what    B if     C that    D /

124.I used to prefer ______to______.

 A swimming/running   B swim /run   C swimming/run   D swim/running

125.---Could you tell me if it ____today, please?

---Yes. The radio says there will ____a heavy rain later today.

 A will rain/have   B will rain / be     C rains/have   D rains /be

126. I ___the Human food though I’ve been in Changsha for more than one year.

 A didn’t use to    B used to   C don’t get used to   D gets used to

127.We shouldn’t eat or drink_______walking down the street.

 A while    B until     C before      D after

128.Neither of my hands is empty . There is a book in one and there is a long ruler in ____.

 A other   B the other     C another     D others

129.The machine doesn’t work ______it says in the advertisement.

 A as quickly as  B as good as    C as well as   D as carefully as 

130.Ten years has passed _____I started to work in this school.

 A since    B before     C when     D until

131.The cinema is next to the park. Walk _____the park and you can get there .

 A through     B past     C across     D out

132.Spending time with friends ____ very important to us.

 A is    B are     C has     D have

133. They arrived ____ Paris ____ a winter evening.

 A at/in    B to/on     C in /on     D in/at

134. I prefer ____ rather  than ______.

 A to be a teacher/ be a boss   B to be a teacher/ to be a boss 

 C being a teacher/ being a boss   D be a teacher / be a boss

135.______the help of my classmates ,I’ve improved my English.

 A By     B With    C Under   D For

136.Have  you checked your licence  ______?

 A also    B too    C either    D neither

137.You must keep your eyes _____, touch it.

 A close    B closed    C closing     D to close

138. My hair is too long . I’ll have it _______tomorrow.

A  cut     B being cut    C cutting     D to cut

139.Bill said they would have ______holiday.

 A a two-month    B two months    C a two-months   D two  month’s

140.—Do you have enough books to read?

  ---- No, I think we need ______books.

 A another two     B other two     C two another    D two the other 

141.---Listen, Helen is singing in the next rom.

   ----It ______be Helen.  She has gone to Beijing.

 A mustn’t     B can’t     C may    D should

142.It is a good way to keep both teachers and students_______.

 A to happy     B happying        C happy     D  happily

143.Many students like reading the book Harry Potter_____by J.K. Rowling.

 A  written     B was written    C wrote     D was writing

144.I think it’s difficult to go _____the forest alone.

 A across     B through     C though      D cross

145.The artist hoped ______drawing the picture soon.

 A his son to finish   B to finish    C finishing    D his son will finished

146.I visited Hong Kong_____in 2000,and I’d like to travel there again._____

A one day/ a day   B one day/some day   C some day/one day   D some day/ some day

147. He is considering _____a primary school in that mountain village. You surely can’t 

  consider him ____a selfish man.

 A building/ to be  B building/being    C to build/being    D to build/to be

148.Mrs Brown will never forget the day ____she met Jane in the street.

 A that     B when    C  which    D where

149.I am a League member . I volunteer my time _____ others.

 A help     B to help     C helping    D helped

150.What’s the best way to _____life’s big and small problems?

 A deal with     B do with to   C deal with to   D dealing with

151. He is used to____up early in the morning.

 A get   B getting     C to get    D got

152. The abacus was inviented  in _____century.

A  six    B the sixth    C sixth     D the six

153.If the child ____, please telephone the police.

 A found     B is found    C was found   D has found

154.—English is ____useful language, isn’t it? ----Of course it is.

A  a    B the     C an     D/

155. –How does your mother go to work?

--She usually goes to work ____her car, but sometimes on foot.

 A by    B on    C in     D about

156.The big bowl ____wine warm in the old days.

A was used for keeping    B is used by keeping  C was used by keeping D is used to keep

157. ____people will take part in the meeting next week.

 A Hundreds of   B Two hundreds of   C Two hundred of  D Two hundreds

158.What if ____tomorrow?

 A it rains     B it will rain   C does it   D will it rain

159.I ______play the piano when I was a young boy .

 A wasn’t used to     B wasn’t use to C didn’t use  to   D didn’t used to

160. Now the traffic in our city is becoming ______.than before.

 A much heavier    B more heavier   C much heavily  D very heavier

161. But none of the artists knew _____to make the King happy.

 A when to do   B what to do    C how to do   D where to do

162. When they got to the station ,the  train  ______for 20 minutes.

 A had left    B went away   C had been away    D had gone

163---May I play soccer with Tom now, Mum?

  ---When all the homework ______, you may go out to play.

A finish    B will finish    C is finished  D will be finished

164. The number of teachers in our school ___60 and a number of them ___male teachers.

 A is/are    B are/is    C are/are    D is/is

165.Nick _____a job in a bank, but to our surprise, he didn’t take it.

 A is offered    B was offered   C offered   D has offered

166.____ is believed that Bell invented the first telephone in 1876.

 A This    B That   C it   D One

答案:1-5 BADAB      6-10 ADBCD      11-15ACCAC     16-20DADCB

     21-25DBDAC     26-30 CDBCD      31-35 DBACB    36-40 BDCAB

41-45 DBCCB      46-50 ABDCA      51-55BBABA     56-60 CCBDD

61-65CBDCA       66-70 BAABB      71-75 BDBCD    76-80 CBBAC

81-85CCDBA       86-90DBACD      91-95 DACBC     96-100 ADADC

101-105BDBDC      106-110 BBAAA   111-1115 ACCAC

116-120 ABDDB      121-125 ADBAB     126-130 CABCA

131-135 CACAB       136-140 BBAAA    141-145 BCABB

146-150 BABBA      151-155 BBBAC     156-160 AAACA
