
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/08 09:20:20


12.28日,很多创业者都不能在1分钟(60秒)内说清楚创业项目,这种情况国内外很普遍,来自CARMINE GALLO的一篇文章告诉创业者可以分成4步来阐述你的创业项目或者商业计划。CARMINE GALLO 在参加欧洲巴黎举行的全球互联网大会 LeWeb 上看到该问题很严重,因此撰写了How to Tell Your Business Story in 60 Seconds or Less,如何在一分钟或60秒以内说清楚创业项目:

该文来自国外企业家网站 via Entrepreneur Media, Inc。关于 LeWeb 大会,我们刚提到过一个观点争论,[超级火爆]未来趋势大争论:应用 vs 网络,谁是未来?[全面详解]。


1. 你要做什么?(What do you do?)

2. 你解决什么问题? (What problem do you solve?)

3. 你的创业项目或者产品服务的不同之处在哪里? (How is your product or service different?)

4. 为什么投资人要关心你的创业项目? (Why should I care?)

上面每一个问题要简练和简洁,总结出来之后不会超过 60秒。


一个自身是创业者也是企业家的人要开始一个 housekeeping franchise 创业项目,如下阐述:

“We own Five Star Cleaning, an eco-friendly housekeeping service that pampers you and your home   [创业项目是干什么的]部分 。

Typical cleaning services make you prep your home ahead of time, supervise to prevent theft and hang around for hours while the cleaners do their work. Because we require no prep, this saves time right off the top, and we are bonded so our service is worry-free, allowing you to go about your day [创业项目解决的问题]部分.

And, we always send a minimum team of three to get the job done quickly [创业项目不同之处]部分.

Imagine coming home from a long day and your laundry is all done, your bed has been turned down and there are fresh flowers awaiting you. That’s the extra pampering we offer that sets us apart from all the rest [为什么你能行或者为什么投资人要关注你]部分.



第一句话应该是一个 Twitter风格的简介语句,尽量在140字或者以内。

例如,Five Star Cleaning bills 这个项目是 “eco-friendly housekeeping service that pampers you and your home.”


Don’t let your idea die because you’ve lost the attention of your audience. Grab your listeners in the first 60 seconds and they’ll want to hear more.
