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食物大革命 - 如何通过饮食拯救我们的生命和地球家园

by John Robbins




Foreword 前言
Acknowledgements 鸣谢
1 Introduction: What Is the Food Revelution? 第一章简介:什么是食物大革命?


PART I Food and Healing 第一部分食物与治疗康复
2 Healthy Heart, Healthy Life 第二章 健康的心脏,健康的生活
3 Preventing Cancer 第三章 预防癌症
4 The Great American Diet Roller Coaster 第四章 刺激的美式饮食过山车
5 A Healthy Plant-Based Diet 第五章 以植物性食物为主的健康饮食方式
6 Got BS? 第六章 踩着牛粪了?
7 Unsafe On Any Plate 第七章 菜盘子里的都不安全
8 Policing the Pathogens 第八章 对病原体保持警戒


PART II Our Food, Our Fellow Creatures 第二部分 我们的食物,我们的动物同胞
9 The Pig Farmer 第九章 养猪农场主
10 Old McDonald Had a Factory 第十章 老麦当劳有间工厂
11 Misery on the Menu 第十一章 菜单上的苦难
12 Eating with Conscience 第十二章 本着良心吃饭


PART III Our Food, Our World 第三部分 我们的食物,我们的地球
13 Choices for a Healthy Environment 第十三章 为环境健康作出的选择
14 Once Upon a Planet 第十四章 从前,在那个星球上
15 Reversing the Spread of Hunger 第十五章 终止饥饿的蔓延


PART IV Genetic Engineering 第四部分 基因工程
16 Pandora's Pantry 第十六章 潘多拉的食品储藏室
17 Farmageddon 第十七章 鬼屋
18 The Emperor's New Foods 第十八章 皇帝的新菜
19 The Turning of the Tide 第十九章 力挽狂澜
20 Conclusion: Our Food, Our Future 第二十章 结语:我们的食物,我们的未来


   About John Bobbins, EarthSave, and YES! 关于约翰.罗宾斯其人、拯救地球(组织)和对!(组织)的介绍
   Resource Guide 相关资源指南
   Notes 注释
   Index 索引




Find out the truth about popular diets, genetically modified foods, Mad Cow disease, and the health effects of the food you eat. In this long-awaited and

provocative book, bestselling author John Robbins exposes the dangers behind many of today's foods and reveals the exraordinary benefits of healthy

alternatives. The Food Revelution will show you how to extend your life, increase your vibrancy and vitality, and take a stand for a more compassionate and

sustainable world.



"Carefully researched, eminently readable, and starkly accurate, The Food Revolution will change your life. If every patient in every doctor's office read this book, it would revolutionize the health of America." - Neal Barnard, M.D., President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
“此书提供了严谨的研究数据,具有高度的可读性与信息精确度,它将改变你的生活。如果每位医生和病人都能通读此书,美国的健康状况将被颠覆。” - Neal Barnard, 医学博士,(美国)责任医疗医生委员会主席


"John Robbins has done it again! Another brilliant , mind-altering, paradigm-shifting, lifestyle-changing, heart expanding book from the most powerfully sane

man I know. The Food Revolution will change your life and the lives of those you love. Thoughtful, penetrating, impeccably researched, it will make you

laugh, then cry, then pass it on to your loved ones." - Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love
“约翰罗宾斯又来了!他是我认识的拥有最强有力的健全心智的人,他又写出了一本能更改思维定势、打破旧有模式、改变生活方式和拓宽人们心智的好书。《食物大革命》将改变您和您爱的人的生活。书中展现的关怀心、洞察力和追求完美的研究精神将引出您的笑声和泪水,你会十分乐意把它推荐给每个你爱的人。” - Marianne Williamson, 《回到爱中》作者


"John Robbins is the leading voice in the world for restoring humanity to its proper relationship with food, the Earth, and health. Read The Food Revolution

adn get active." - Paul Hawken, author of Natural Capitalism
“约翰罗宾斯是世界上呼吁通过建立人与食物、环境和健康的正面关系来重建人文关怀的先行者。请你阅读这本书并行动起来。” - Paul Hawken, 《自然资本主义》作者


"With regard to our health and the health of our planet, The Food Revolution could be the most important book ever written." - Neale Donald Walsch, author of

Conversations with God
“在以人和地球健康为命题的书中,《食物大革命》可能是有史以来最有分量的一部作品。” - Neale Donald Walsch, 《与神对谈》作者