php7 编译安装:Dealing with Traffic 解决塞车大作战

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/07 10:51:37
Dealing with Traffic解决塞车大作战 by Owain Mckimm

All big cities have problems with traffic jams.

Being stuck in a traffic jam is perhaps the worst thing that can happen at the end of a long day. It's a problem that affects commuters in major cities all over the world. In some of the worst affected cities, commuters spend two to three hours each day traveling to and from work. Motorists on China National Highway 110 were even jammed for two weeks in August of 2010. Needless to say, there has been no shortage of methods aimed at solving traffic jams.
London has one of the world's most comprehensive schemes for reducing traffic going into the city's bustling central district. In 2003, a congestion charge was introduced for vehicles entering the city center between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM on weekdays. The charge is equal to NT$500 per day, and motorists can pay monthly via an automated system which detects how many times their cars enter the congestion zone and deducts the fees from their registered accounts. They hope that the traffic would be reduced substantially as people relied more on public transportation. However, even though the congestion dropped 30 percent during the first three years, the current level is back to what it was before the scheme was implemented.
The Netherlands, with one of the most congested traffic zones in Europe, is planning to put into practice a pay-per-kilometer scheme, where motorists will be monitored by GPS and charged according to the distances they drive. In Beijing, a monthly lottery issuing a limited number of new vehicle license plates to hopeful car owners attempts to keep the capital free of congestion. Traffic jams are here to stay, but cities are working on ways to reduce them.

1. What problem did Chinese motorists face in August of 2010?
(A) A 30 percent increase in gas prices.
(B) A traffic jam that lasted 14 days on a major highway.
(C) A suspension of Beijing's monthly lottery for new license plates.
(D) A charge on all vehicles entering the capital.
2. What did London do to reduce traffic?
(A) Banned all use of private cars on the weekdays.
(B) Held a lottery for those wanting to enter the city during the week.
(C) Gave each resident a free bicycle to encourage cycling to work.
(D) Introduced a special daily charge for driving a car into the city.
3. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) It costs NT$500 to drive a car into Beijing.
(B) Only in Asia and Europe are traffic jams a problem.
(C) The Netherlands has one of Europe's most congested traffic areas.
(D) London's congestion charge has had a lasting effect on its traffic problem.

  1. be stuck in...被困在……中
    例: Tina was late this morning because she was stuck in a traffic jam.
  2. commuter n. 通勤者
    commute vi. 通勤
    commute from A to B
    = commute between A and B
    在 A 地与 B 地之间来回通勤
    例: Jim commutes from his apartment to his office by car every day.
  3. Needless to say, S + V不用说,……
    = It goes without saying + that 子句
    例: Needless to say, honesty is the best policy.
  4. bustling a. 熙攘的,忙乱的
    例: The bustling shopping center is where many teenagers hang out after school.
  5. introduce vt. 推行;采用;引进
    be introduced to...被引进……
    例: Our company has recently introduced a new security system.
    例: Pineapples were introduced to Hawaii in the early 19th century.
    (凤梨於 19 世纪初被引进夏威夷。)
  6. be equal to...等於……
    例: This box is equal to that one in size.
  7. detect vt. 侦测;发现
    例: The police dog detected drugs in the man's luggage.
  8. deduct vt. 扣除
    deduct A from B把 A 从 B 中扣除
    例: Dad deducted the price of the window I broke from my allowance.
  9. register vt. & vi. 登录,登记;注册
    register for...登记 报名 注册(参加)……
    例: Gary registered the car in his wife's name.
    例: What classes are you registering for this semester, Joe?
  10. substantially adv. 相当多地
    例: The workload this month is substantially greater than that of last.
  11. rely on...依赖 依靠……
    例: Don't rely on Ted for everything. He won't always be there for you.
  12. implement vt. 实施,执行
    例: At the present time, this program will only be implemented locally.
  13. put into practice.../put...into practice
    例: I think it will be difficult to put your ideas into practice.
  14. monitor vt. 监控,监测
    例: The police are closely monitoring the suspect's phone calls.
  15. issue vt. 发布,发行
    例: The legislator has issued a statement denying any involvement in the scandal.
  16. free of...免於……;无……的
    例: The air in the countryside is free of toxic fumes.
  17. suspension n. 暂停,中止
    suspend vt. 使暂时停止,使中止
    例: Construction on that road was suspended for a few days during the typhoon.
  18. have an effect on...对……有影响 作用
    例: These pills didn't have any effect on Linda because she was too sick.

  1. traffic jam n. 塞车,交通阻塞(可数名词)
    jam n. 堵塞,拥挤 & vt. 使拥塞
  2. motorist n. 开车的人,驾驶人
  3. shortage n. 缺少,不足
  4. comprehensive a. 广泛的
  5. scheme n. 计划,方案
  6. district n. 市区;地区,区域
  7. congestion n. 拥塞
    traffic congestion交通阻塞现象(不可数)
  8. weekday n. 平日,工作日
  9. automated a. 自动化的,机械化的
  10. congested a. 拥塞的
  11. lottery n. 抽签
  12. license plate n. 车牌
  13. cycle vi. 骑脚踏车
  14. lasting a. 持久的,长久的

在漫长的一天後,或许没有比卡在车阵中更糟的情况了。这个问题影响著全世界各大城市的通勤族。在一些塞车最严重的城市中,通勤者每天上下班得花上 2 到 3 个小时。在中国,2010 年 8 月开车上 110 国道的驾驶人甚至塞了整整 2 个星期。不用说,各地方无不绞尽脑汁想解决塞车问题。
为减少繁忙市中心区的交通拥塞,伦敦有著全世界最全面的方案之一。该市在 2003 年推行塞车费,凡在平日早上 7 点到晚上 6 点进入市中心的车辆都要缴交这项费用。每天的塞车费折合新台币 500 元,驾驶人可以采月缴制,由自动化系统侦测车辆进入拥塞区的次数,再从驾驶人登记的帐户中扣款。伦敦希望当人们较常搭乘大众交通工具後,交通情况会大幅改善。不过,即使前 3 年交通拥塞减少了百分之三十,但目前的交通又回到方案实行前的情况。
荷兰有著全欧洲最拥塞的交通区之一,该国计划实行里程课税方案,驾驶人将会受到 GPS 监控,并根据驾驶的里程数课税。在北京,针对想购车的民众,每个月会抽出一定数量的新车牌,希望能让当地免於塞车之苦。塞车会一直是个问题,但各个城市正在努力解决。

1. 在 2010 年 8 月,中国的驾驶人面临了什麽问题?
(A) 汽油费用增加了百分之三十。
(B) 在一条主要公路上,塞车情况持续了14 天。
(C) 北京每个月抽新车牌的计划暂停。
(D) 对所有进入首都的车辆课税。
题解: 根据本文第 1 段,在中国,2010 年 8 月开车上 110 国道的驾驶人塞了整整 2 个星期的车,可知 (B) 为正选。
2. 伦敦采取了什麽措施减少交通拥塞?
(A) 平日禁止所有自用车辆上路。
(B) 为周间想进城的驾驶人举办抽签。
(C) 发给每位市民 1 辆免费的脚踏车,鼓励他们骑车上班。
(D) 针对开车进城的驾驶人推行 1 项特别的每日缴费制度。
题解: 根据本文第 2 段,伦敦在 2003 年推行塞车费,凡在平日早上 7 点到晚上 6 点进入市中心的车辆都要缴交,故选 (D)。
3. 下列叙述何者正确?
(A) 开车进北京需花费台币 500 元。(是伦敦才对)
(B) 塞车只有在亚洲和欧洲才是个问题。(是全世界各大城市的问题)
(C) 荷兰有全欧洲最拥塞的交通区之一。
(D) 伦敦的塞车费对交通问题有持续的效果。(在实施塞车费的前 3 年,伦敦的交通拥塞因此减少了百分之三十,但目前的交通又回到实行前的情况)
题解: 根据本文第 3 段,荷兰有著全欧洲最拥塞的交通区之一,故 (C) 为正选。
答案∶1. (B)2. (D)3. (C)