
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/02 21:25:33


1.    Henever _________ of visiting the Great Wall.

A. tiring  B.tire     C. tires    D. tired

2.                                                                                                                   MostSundays _________ we go to help Uncle Wang.                                                                                                            

A. morning     B.mornings    C. the morning       D. of mornings

3.    Helooked half dead, his eyes _________.

A. closed tight       B. closing tight      C.closed tightly     D. shut tightly

4.    Thefood __________ good and _________ well.

A. tastes, sells B. is tasted, is sold  C.taste, sell  D. smell, sold

5.    Therewill be vision phones _______ the end of this century.

A. by      B.at       C. for      D. on

6.    Ihave some _________ in working out the problem.

A. difficulty   B.difficulties  C. troubles      D. difficult

7.    Thereis a wire pole along the road _________ meter.

A. about fifty  B. every fiftieth     C. eachfifty   D. every 50

8.    Southerners_________ rice.

A. lives on      B.feeds on     C. lives on      D. feed on

9.    Thereis not enough light and _________ in this picture.

A. dark   B.darkness     C. blackness    D. shade

10.   Theypicked leaves from the trees and _________.

A. fed them to some little white worm  B. fed some little white worm on them

C. fed some little white worm with them     D. A and Cc

11.   Shedoesn't like __________ a red flower in her hair.

A. to put on    B.to wear      C. to dress      D. be dressed in

12.   —Haveyou finished your repot yet?

—No,I'll finish it in ________ ten minutes.

A. another      B.other   C. more   D. less

13.   Shesaid that she would do _______ she could __________ her daughter laugh.

A. what, make       B.that, make  C. what, to make    D. that, to make

14.   Tom'smother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _________ didn'thelp.A. he    B. which C. that     D.it

15.   Mywatch doesn't work well. I _________  it_________ next day.

A. will have, repair       B. have, repaired

C. will get, repaired       D. shall have, to be repaired

16.   Hehas decided to live abroad, so he will ________ stay here.

A. not more    B.mot longer C. no longer   D. no more

17.   Wehave no secrets _________ each other.A. in   B.between     C. to       D. from

18.   Peteris ________ with all his classmates.

A. a friend B. friend   C. the friend  D. friends

19.   Thishand book is _________ for us to learn our lessons.

A. great value B. great valuable    C. of veryvalue     D. of great value

20. Thelady bought a new dress _________ $500.A. for  B.by      C. with    D. about

21.   TheGreat Wall is one of the places of interest _________ often visited in China.

A. where we   B.that is C. which are   D. where have

22.   Whenthe passengers came back from their holiday their suitcases were _________ bythe customs officers.

A. guarded     B.tested  C. corrected    D. examined

23. Inthe dark street, there wasn't a single person __________ she could turn forhelp.

A. to whom    B.who    C. from whom       D. that

24. Itwas in the hall __________, we used to have meetings _________ the meeting washeld.

A. that, where B. where, that C. that, that    D. where, where

25. —You'rebought a car.      —___________.

A. So have I   B.So I have   C. So did I     D. So I did

26. Youdon't believe that I can work out the problem, _________?

A. do you       B.don't you    C. Can I  D. can't I

27. Theboy cried ___________ the glass broken.

A. because B. as C. for D. with

28.   Theman ____________ a strange hat is a funny actor.

A. dressing B. in C. on D. with

29. They_________ Tom, our monitor.

A. made  B.elected       C. chose  D. helped

30. Thefilm made all the students ________ to tears.

A. moved       B.moving      C. move  D. to move

31.   —Whereis Mike?     —He has gone away __________the weekend.

A. on      B.for      C. in       D. at

32. _________ a boy, he used to help hisfather on the farm.

A. Being B.As      C. He was       D. His being

33.   ________no need for us to discuss the problem again since it has been settled.

A. It has  B.There has   C. It is    D. There is

34. Hisfailure made his father think him a ___________ boy.

A. disappoint  B.disappointed      C. disappointing     D. disappointment

35. Thisis the best way I can think of __________ the problem.

A. solve  B.to solve      C. solving       D. solved

36. Thedays we look forward to _______ at last.

A. coming B. came     C. comes       D.be coming

37. Ifound her eyes ________ upon me sharply.

A. fixB. fixing       C. fixed   D. to fix

38. I'll tell you _______ he told me lastweek

.A. all which   B.all that       C. that all       D. all

39. It'sno good ________ like that.

A. to talk B.talking       C. talked D. talk

40. —Haven'tyou heard the news?


       —Someof the workers are ________ while others are _________.

A. on the march, on strike     B. on march, on strike

C. on the march, on the strike       D. on the strike, on march

41. Whata wonder! They've finished ________ 30% of the task within one week.

A. no more than     B. no less than       C. notmore than    D. much less than

42. Allthe members thought that the plan should be changed, but he still ________ hisown idea.

A. insist on     B.insist   C. stick to       D. kept

43. Myidea ________ to be true.

A. turned out  B.turned on C. turned off D. turned up

44. A.few people were killed in the fire, but ________ were saved.

A. most   B.the most     C. most of them     D. most of whom

45. Thesick ________ cured.

A. has been     B.has     C. have been   D. have

46. Hewas made _______ for the lost book, which was bought from the library lastweek.

A. paid    B.to pay C. pay     D. paying

47. Ihear that John is going to Paris next month, _________?

A. doesn't he   B.don't I C. do I    D. isn't he

48. He'sjust _________ time ________ the basketball match.

A. in, with      B.on, by C. in, for D. on, to

49. Theold man slept so _________ that we couldn't wake him up.

A. lazy    B.tired   C. well    D. good

50. The little boy was frightened when heheard the _________ of a motorbike.

A. sound B.voice  C. cry     D. shout

51.   It________ nearly two weeks _________ I had received his letter.

A. is, that       B.was, that    C. is, since      D. was, since

52. Itis five years since my dear aunt __________ here.

A. left     B.has left       C. is left  D. had left

53.   Nobodyin _________ right senses would play such a silly joke.

A. their   B.his      C. her     D. one's

54. —MayI speak to Lucy?

       —Thisis ________ speaking.

A. her     B.she     C. she's    D. hers

55. Iforgot Tom's address. But I found his telephone number in the _________.

A. phone books      B. book of phone   C.phone's book      D. phone book

56.   Hesaid that he watched TV every ________ day.

A. another      B.three   C. the second  D. other

57.   Weare going to be on our holidays _________.

A. in three days' time     B. after 3 days       C.three days later  D. in three day's time

58. Lookat these clouds, ________.

A. It'll rain     B.It's going to rain C. It'll be raining    D. It is to rain

59. Nobodyknows what _______ happen next.

A. is to    B.is going      C. is about to  D. are to

60.   Chinashould do _________ best to be a strong and modern country.

A. his      B.its       C. her     D. our

61. You'dbetter __________ his opinion before making a decision.

A. look for     B.search for   C. find out      D. work out

62. —Couldyou tell me who invented _________ telephone?

—_________Scotch scientist named _________ Alexander Graham Bell.

A. /, A, / B.a, The, /     C. the, A, /     D. /, A, an

63. Didyou break _________ windows?

A. the both     B.both of       C. both the     D. either of

64. Let'sput ________ of these pictures on the wall.

A. some one   B.someone     C. some ones  D. everyone

65. —I'dlike to go hunting with you, but I have a meeting ________.

—Ifyou don't go, __________.

A. to attend, so do I       B. attending, so will IC. attend, neither will I      D. to attend, nor will I

66. Whatwill be the results _________ the students in our class?

A. of  B.for  C. to     D. with

67.   —Hurryup, you _________ on the phone.

       —Oh,I' coming. Thank you.

A. are wanted B.are being wanted       C. want   D. are wanting

68.   I,_________ your friend, will try my best to help you out.

A. who is       B.that is C. who am      D. who are

69.   Iasked him to __________ me a few minutes so that we could talk over the matter.

A. spend  B.save    C. share   D. spare

70.   Therethey got married and ________ their young.

A. fed B. felt C. raised D. rose

71. Hetried not to _________ mixed up in politics.

A. make  B.take    C. have   D. get

72. —Wouldyou like a cup of coffee?

       —Yes,I _________.A. would      B. would like  C. would like to     D. like

73. —ShallI tell Ann how to improve her painting?

       —Yes,but _________ of suggestions may discourage her.

A. a list too long    B. a too long list    C. toolong a list    D. a list of too long

74.   Wouldyou please do me __________ favor to pass me the book?

A. a B.an       C. the      D. /

75.   Mydictionary __________. I have looked for it everywhere, but still _______ it.

A. has lost, don't find     B. is missing, didn't find

C. has lost, haven't found      D. is missing, haven't found

76.   It's_________ impossible to make such a long journey in such an old car.

A. rather B.very    C. fairly  D. quite

77.   Asoldier ran all the ________ from Marathon to Athens.

A. road   B.way    C. path    C. route

78.   Itwas __________ exciting news that all of us couldn't help _________.

A. so a, crying       B. such, crying       C.so, to cry    D. such an, crying

79. Ifwe want to win the race, we shall have to _________.

A. go along    B.go into       C. go there     D. go all out

80. Wordsare the bricks _________ we build sentences to express our ideas.

A. through which   B. from which       C. which D. of which

81. Whycan't I give the answer to the physics problem as _________ as you?

A. quickly      B.fastly  C. swift   D. soonly

82. Goback _______ you came from, please.

A. where B.in where     C. to where     D. that

83.   Iagree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with ________.

A. everything  B.anything     C. something  D. nothing

84. Ilove to go to the seaside in summer. It _________ good to lie in the sun orswim in the cool sea. A. does    B. feels   C. gets       D.makes

85.   Let'sdiscuss only such questions _________ worry every one of us.

A. as       B.why    C. which D. that

86.   youmay keep that pencil if you like. I've got plenty of ________.

A. ones   B.the others   C. others D. some others

87.   —Whycan't I swim in the lake, Daddy?

—You'llbe ________. The water is freezing cold.

A. sorry  B.afraid  C. anxious      D. unpleasant

88.   Whena pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ________.

A. breaks B.ahs broken  C. were broken      D. had been broken

89.   —Youwere brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

       —Well,now I regret _________ that.

A. to do  B.to be doing C. to have done      D. having done

90.   Idon't think Jim saw me; he ________ into a space.

A. just stared  B. was just staring  C. hasjust stared    D. had just stared

91. —Therewere already five people in the car, but the driver managed to take me as well.       —It __________ a comfortable journey.

A. can't be      B.shouldn't be       C. mustn't have been      D. couldn't have been

92.   —Yourphone number again? I ___________ quite catch it.


A. didn't  B.couldn't'     C. don't   D. can't

93.   Suchthings are not common for me, _________ they are unusual.

A. instead       B.but     C. so       D. as a result

94.   Atthat time slaves were _________ of not as human beings, but as animals.

A. regarded    B.sold    C. bought       D. thought

95.   Herwish is _________ a doctor.

A. becoming B. become C. to become      D. beingcome

96.   Histalk made me _________ in the modern music.

A. interesting  B. to interest   C. interested   D. interest

97.   Shewas afraid ________ the yard because she was afraid __________ by the big doglying at the gate.

A. to enter, to be bitten  B. of entering, of being bitten

C. of entering, to be bitten    D. to enter, of being bitten

98.   Wekeep in touch with each other ________ letters and telephones.

A. by      B.in form of  C. in forms of D. in the form of

99.   WhenI came back, I found my bicycle __________.

A. had gone    B.has gone     C. was gone    D. is gone

100. Perhapsthe fire was ___________ by a cigarette end someone dropped.

A. begun B.made  C. put     D. started

101. ___________pop music drives me out of my mind.

A. The most    B.Most   C. Mostly       D. Most of

102. —Howdid you pay the workers?

       —Asa rule, they were paid _________.

A. by a hour   B.by hours     C. by an hour  D. by the hour

103. InDetroit, no fewer than 100 persons died of influenza, not to speak of___________.A. death      B. dying  c. the dying    D.the death

104. __________word came that Bill Clinton was elected __________ president of the UnitedStates.

A. A, /    B.A, a    C. /, /      D. /, the

105. Hedidn't come and it _________ our difficulty.

A. added to     B.gave  C. made  D. raised

106. Thereare only five students here, ________ five of them have finished theirhomework.

A. /  B.The     C. A D. That

107. —Howdo I write my composition?

       —Writeyour composition _________ ink.

A. in       B.on      C. with    D. by

108. __________he could understand the problem, I explained it to him at least three times.

A. Until  B.before C. Not until    D. After

109. Difficultiescan ________ a person's best qualities.

A. hold out     B.give out     C. send out     D. bring out

110. Shefelt so excited that she let out a cry when she ________ the right answer.

A. thought about    B. thought to  C. thoughtover      D. thought of

111. —Doyou want to see my driver's license or my passport?


A. either one will do      B. either does well  C.neither do   D. each will be fine

112. —Dothe students in your class study hard?

       —Someof them do; _________ just don't care.

A. another      B.the others   C. some other D. any other

113. Theman over there is _________ Mr. Smith.

A. no other but      B. no other than     C. noone       D. none other than

114. _________books made of silk have been found in our country.

A. Very a few B.Such few    C So a few     D. Very few

115. Nothingcan stop our going, ________?

A. can it  B.can't it C. can they     D. can't they

116. Theevening party _________ . You are a little late.

A. just begun  B.just has begun C. has just begun       D.has begun just now

117. Thetwins are so much __________ that it is difficult to tell one from the other.

A. like    B.alike   C. same   D. similar

118. Hemust be from Africa, _________ can be seen from his skirt.

A. that    Bas C. it D.what

119. Theyplanted trees on _________ side of the playground.

A. either  Beach     C. all      D. every

120. He spent all his energies _________ aresearch _________ the causes of cancer.

A. in, of  Bin, on   C. on, of D. on, into

121. —__________this book be yours?

       —No,it _______ not be mine. It _______ be his.

A. Can, must, may B. May, might, must      C.Can, may, must  D. Must, can, may

Mary is living at _______ place in SouthAfrica.

A. certain       B.some   C. an       D. any

124. Janewas quite alone in the world ________ an uncle in English.

A except  Bexcept for    C. besides       D. instead of

125. —Whowould you rather ________ the room?

       —Jack,of course.A. have clean    B. have cleaned      C. get clean    D. get cleaned

126. Wewrote to _________ invited us.A. whomever B.whoever     C. that     D. who

127. Her expression suggested that she_________ happy.

A. be      B.was     C. should be   D. were

128. Theboy's grandfather died _______ a flood and his grandmother died _______ oldage.A. of, from      B. from, at     C. from, of    D.of, in

129. Please__________ the milk carefully, I don't want it to boil over.

A. see     B.watch  C. notice D. look at

130. It was ________ who respected theirteachers.

A. them   B.their   C they     D. themselves

131. Duringthe years _______, he worked as a doctor in the hospital.

A. followed    B.to follow    C. following   D. that followed

132. He_______ his son to stay home in such bad weather.

A. hoped B.let      C. wished       D had

133. Whenwe breathe, the oxygen in the air with our blood and gives us life.

A. fills    B.goes    C. takes in      D. mixes

134. Thechief was being searched for by the police who ________ running after.

A. is       B.were   C. are      D. was

135. Whathe says and does ________ not agree.

A. does   B.do      C. is D. possible

136. Thankyou for the trouble you _________ to help us.

A. put     BtakeC. make       D. do

137. XiaoWang is getting on well with his classmates, for h is easy _______.

A. to deal with       B to do with   C. dealingwith      D. doing with

138. Theywill get a new bath _________.

A. put in B.set out C. cleared away      D. given away

139. Whenthe first settlers came to North America they had to ________ the forest andfound a way out.

A. cut off       B.cut down    C. cut through D. cut out

140. Thestars ________ to have moved.

A. seemed      B.looked       C. turned D. appeared

141. Johnmust have read the book, ________?

A. mustn't he  B.needn't he   C. didn't he     D. haven't he

142. Tonnyis the best student of the three. In other words, he is _______ student thanthe other two.

A. a better      B.the better    C. the best      D. a best

143. Spaceship today has __________ the earth _______ the moon.

A. joined, with       B. connected, with  C.connected, to     D. joined, and

144. Let'shurry. There's ________ no time left.

A. almost B. nearly C. possible D. probably

145. —Ifell down from the tree. I think my leg is broken.

       —Oh!I _________.A. hope not so      B. do nothope       C. hope not     D. hope not so

146. Theriver _________ fifty miles from the north to the south.

A. stretched    B.extends      C. covered      D. sticks

147. Mr.Li, _________ come to my home for dinner this evening.

A. sure to       Bsurely  C. does    D. do

148. Hismain attraction ________ in his knowledge not in his book.

A. drops to     B.depends on C. makes use of      D. lies in

149. Thebaby can almost _______ himself.

A. almost       Bnearly  C. hardly D. rather

150. _________the players tried their best to win the game for their country.

A. Greatly encouraged   B. Having greatly encouraged

C. To be greatly encouraged  D. When encouraging

151. Dad,let us, ________, go to the cinema, _______?

A. Jack and I, shall we   B. Jack and me, shall we

C. Jack and I, will you   D. Jack and me, will you

152. He______ his father for a new bicycle on his twelfth birthday.

A. demanded  B.required     C. requested    D. asked

153. Aswell as ________ all his homework, he helped his mother with a good cleaningaround the house.

A. finishing    B.finished      C finishes       D. to finish

154. —Ifyou want to be in time, you'd better get ________.


A. to go  B.to going     C. going  D. moving

155. Summerin ________ south of France are for ________ most part dry and sunny.

A. /, a     B.the, /   C. /, /      D. the, the

156. —You'rethinking too much.

       —Onlyat home. No one _______ me but you.

A. is seeing     B.had seen     C. sees    D. saw

157. _________ the general state of hishealth, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.

A. Given B.To give      C. Giving       D. Having

158. Thejudge ________ two years in prison.

A. sentenced him to be   B. sentenced him to

C. sentenced him for      D. sentenced him about

159. Only _________ save his life.

A. can the doctor    B. the doctor can    C. willthe doctor   D. could the doctor

160. Scarcely_______ arrived ________ out to meet me.

A. had I? before he came    B. I had ? when did he come

C. had I ? then he came       D. I had ? then did he come

161. Out________, gun in hand.

A. did he rush B. so he did    C. so he would       D. he rushed

162. Sheis a good student, and works very hard, _________.

A. So it is with him       B. So does him      C. soit he       D. neither does he

163. ________are the days when teachers were looked down upon.

A. Gone  B.Go      C. To go  D. Going

164. __________,she is of great help in the work.

A. A girl as she is   B. Girl as she is      C. Thegirl as she is       D. Girl is as she

165. _________and caught the mouse.

A. Up the cat jumpedB. The cat up jumpedC. Upjumped the cat       D. Jumped up the cat

166. If he ________ tomorrow, he would findMr Wang in the office.

A. comes B.will come   C. should come      D. come

167. __________he would have succeeded in the examination.

A. Had he worked hard  B. If he worked hard

C. works hard D.working hard

168. I'drather you ________ anything about it for the time being.

A. do      B.didn't do     C. don't   D. didn't

169. ________you enjoy many years of health and happiness.

A. Wish   B.Hope  C. Expect       D. May

170. Long_________ the Party!

A. lives   B.live     C. will live     D. should live

171. Iwas going to ________ the faraway village to drop in on her but my boss askedme to drive him to Shanghai.

A. go to  B.have gone to      C. /  D. go

172. —Yourphone number again? I didn't quite catch it.

       —Ifyou _______ it clearly, you _________ me now.

A. had heard, wouldn't ask    B. heard, wouldn't ask

C. had heard, wouldn't have asked D. should hear, would ask

173. IfI ______it, I would do it in a different way.

A. were to do  B.do      C. had done    D. was to do

174. Theartist tried his best to paint what he saw with his _______ as well as with hiseyes.

A. brain  B.mind   C. head   D. soul

175. youmay go out _________ your homework is done.

A. except B. unless  C. until     D. as

176. —Whyis Marry unhappy?

       —Everyonewent to the dance ________ she.

A. without B. besides C. except D. but

177. Onmy way home, I saw a thief _______ money from a lady by the police.

A. being caught stealing B. having caught staling

C. caught stealing   D. be caught stealing

178. _______of you comes in first will receive a prize.

A. No matter which       B. whichever  C. whatever    D. whomever

179. _______is no need to say anything to the other worker about that matter.

A. It       B.There  C. Whether there    D. What

180. Mary,don't fill the form ________ pencil but ________ ink.

A. with, in      B.in, with      C. with, with  D. in, in

181. Whatwould happen ________ they not rise tomorrow?

A. should B. had  C. would      D. if

182. Ifthese trousers are too short, buy a somewhat bigger _________.

A. set      B.one     C. ones    D. pair

183. —Whatdo you think of the songs?

       —Infact, ________ of them sounds beautiful.

A. not all B.no one       C. not everyone      D. not every one

184. Heshowed very little consideration _________ the feelings of others.

A. to       B.for      C. on      D. by

185. __________,it is easy to drill a hole in it with laser.

A. Hard as is the diamond     B. Hard is as the diamond

C. Hard as the diamond is     D. As the diamond is hard

186. —Henryfelt that it was _______ time for him to start ________ business of his own, sohe left —______ bank.

A. /, a, the      B.a, a, the      C. /, /, the       D. a, the, the

187. —Whynot put some flowers by the window?

       —We________. The boss doesn't like flowers.

A. couldn't      B.mustn't  C. won't      D. can't

188. Iwent on with my story just ________ I had left off.

A. wherever    B.where C. when  D. whenever

189. Howdo you find ________ to work with him?

A. this     B.that     C. it D. yourself

190. Iknow the teacher _________ to Amy when she __________ of a bright girl.

A. was referring, spoke  B. refers, has broken

C. referred, was speaking      D. was referring, was speaking

191. Likemany others who travel around, Louis admitted that the worst thing is not beingable to see her family and friends ________ she would like.

A. as long as   B.as far as     C. as well as   D. as much as

192. Tomake things worse, many of the men have gone off to cities in search of higherpay, leaving women from nearly villages ________ with the work.

A. to carry on B. carrying on C. carried out  D. going in

193. I found it astonishing that he__________.

A. would refuse to travel first time       B. should refuse to travel first time

C. should refuse to travel first class      D. should refuse to travel first train

194. Seethat you _________ again.

A. are not       B.are not going to be    C. will not      D. wouldn't be

195. Idon't like the way ________ he talks to me.

A. that    B.how    C. what   D. which

196. Theboy's bad habits ________ his mother many sleepless nights.

A. took   B.offered       C. spent   D. cost

197. Whatare the students ________ the machines.

A. up to  B.up to do     C. up to with  D. up to do with

198. Thespeaker, _______ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by theaudience.

A. having known    B. having been known C. knowing       D. known

199. _________his son rushed out of the room did he realize the seriousness of the problem.

A. It was not until  B. Not until C. Till D. Until

200. —Whoseis ________ handwriting, Li Lei's or Yang Mei's?

       —YangMei's, I think.

A. a better      B.better  C. better  D. more better

201. I________ in a brick factory for twelve years. Now I'm a farmer.

A. worked      B.work   C. have worked      D. was working

202. —Whatabout the speech he made this afternoon?

       —_________he said so quite exciting, I think.

A. what   B.That    C. /  D. All

203. Idon't think Frank is _______ Englishman as Bill.

A. as able an   B.able as an   C. as an able   D. an as able

204. —It'sraining hard, I'm afraid I'll miss the train if I wait here.

       —CanI give you a ________?

A. hand   B.lift      C. movement  D. drive

205. Idon't know English, not _________ French.

A. mention     B.mentioned  C. to mention  D. mentioning

206. —Whendid Mr Black take you to Beijing?


A. As a young man B. At the age of 20 C. In mytwenties   D. I was 20

207. —Couldit be in the meeting room _________ you had talk with me yesterday evening_________ you left behind your keys and papers?

A. that, where B. that, that    C. where, where     D. where, that

208. —"I__________ not do my homework," said the boy.

       —"You__________," said his father.

A. will, will    B.shall, shall  C. shall, will   D. will, shall

209. Booksare the most important records we keep __________ man's thoughts, ideas and feelings.

A. on      B.away   C. of       D. in touch with

210. —Whatdo people wear when they go to the theatre?

       —Well,it isn't very __________. People can wear anything they like.

A. certain       B.normal       C. modern      D. simple

211. Ididn't like Aunt Lucy, who ________ without warning and bringing us presents.

A. always turned up       B. has always turned up

C. had always turned up D. was always turning up

212. —Doyou have any blouse in yellow?

       —Sorry.What about this cream color. It __________ well with almost anything.

A. goes   B.fits     C. does    D. gets

213. Thepeople invited to the ball my dress ___________ they please.

A. however     B.whatever    C. wherever    D. whenever

214. I'mafraid I haven't got time to ___________ the matter right now.

A. go into       Blook for      C. turn over    D. clean out

215. Thechairman ordered that the meeting _______ put off.

A. should       B.is C. was     D.be

216. —Haveyou seen ________ pen? I left it here this morning.

       —Isit _______ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. a, the  B.the, the      C. the, a  D. a, a

217. —Didyou enjoy the book?

       —Yes,it was so interesting that I couldn't ________ it.

A. get rid of   B.break away from

C. keep away from D. tear myself away from

218. AmI _______ the way if I turn _________ the radio?

A. in, on B.on, off       C. all, down    D. by, off

219. Heleneused to be very shy but she has grown __________ it now.

A. without      B.over    C. away   D. out of

220. Isaw some foreigners _________ in the reception room.

A. seating B. seat   C. to sit   D. seated

221. Herfather was so angry at all ___________ she was doing ________ he walked out.

A. what, that   B.that, that    C. that, which D. which, as

222. Weleave it to your own judgment __________ you should do it.

A. because      B.that     C. whether      D. what

223. Youcan never imagine what great difficulty I have had ________ the patient who_________ such a serious wound.

A. treating, received      B. treat, received    C.treating, accepted      D. to treat,received

224. Whydidn't you come to the station five minutes ago? If you had come here a littleearlier, you ___________ the last train.

A. will have caught       B. shall catch  C. wouldhave caught    D. had caught

225. Thenews has been heard __________ on the radio three times today.

A. to broadcast       B. broadcast    C. beingbroadcast  D. broadcasting

226. Tom'sbrother is clever, _________ the boy can't be trusted.

A. only   B.or       C. for      D. and

227. Doesit _________ to let little children play in streets?

A. make sense B.have sense  C. get senses   D. make a sense

228. —Alice,why didn't you come yesterday?

       —I________, but I had an unexpected visitor.

A. had     B.would C. was going to      D. did

229. Goldis __________ most valuable of all metals.

A. the much    B.the very     C. the far D. far the

230. _________that everyone stared at him.

A. Too rude is he    B. So rude was he  C. Suchrude he was      D. So rude he was

231. _________the son sees his father, the first word he will say is always "Give mesome money".

A. As far B.As long as  C. Even if      D. As well as

232. _________he had for trade with agriculture products.

A. What a great gift       B. What a beautiful gift

C. How beautiful a present    D. How beautiful a gift

233. Kenta,born a free man, was a person _________ now.

A. was in chains     B. in chains    C. in chain      D. who is in chain

234. Marywas a doctor and she could write poems. So ________ Tom.

A. was    B.could  C. it was with D. it was

235. Ifwe believe something is true and good we should hold on _________ it.

A. to       B.at       C. for      D. up

236. —Dellalikes dancing, but doesn't like swimming.


A. So does Mary    B. Neither does Mary     C.So it is With Mary     D. Nor does Mary

237. Whodid the teacher __________ the article?

A. have written      B. have to write     C.have write  D. have writes

238. —Areyou sure __________ great progress this year?

       —Yes,of course.

A. of her getting    B. of her to get      C. herto get   D. her getting

239. —_________I drop in at your house after the concert, or __________ that be too late?

—No, notat all.

A.Could, would      B. May, must  C. Would, can D.Can, should

240. _________ the boy's last remark, the manlooked at him curiously.

A. To      B.With   C. At       D. By

241. _________for his bravery, he was asked to give a speech.

A. Admired    B.Admiring   C. Having admired D. Being admired

242. —Thefish is gone.


A. Can our cat eat  B. Must our cat eat

C. Might our cat have eaten   D. Must our cat have eaten

243. Theweather _________ fine, they decided to go out for a long walk.

A. was    Bbeen    C. being  D. having been

244. He________ his father for a new bicycle on his twelfth birthday.

A. demanded  Brequired      C. requested    D. asked

245. Heis so able that he's even paid for as ________ as 100 dollars a day.

A. many  B.much  C. more   D. great

246. ________that she should come here on time.

A. Suppose     B.Demand     C. Think  D. Believe

247. Itwas an exciting moment for these football fans this year, ________ for thefirst time in years their team won the World Cup.

A. that    B.while  C. which D. when

248. Johnmay phone tonight. I don't want to go out __________ he phones.

A. as long as   B.in order that      C. in case       D. so that

249. In1980 he caught a serious illness __________ effect he still suffers.

A. for whose   Bfor which    C. from which       D. from whose

250. Therewould be no industry _________.

A. if there would be no steel  B. if there is no steel

C. without steel      D. is there no steel

251. Shesat down with nothing to do except __________ to the tree.

A. to talk B.talking       C. talked D. talk

252. __________is what I want to tell you: the meeting is put off till Friday.

A. This    B.That    C. It D. Which

253. Mary,Don't fill the for _________ pencil but ________ ink.

A. with, in      B.in, with      C. with, with  D. in, in

254. —I'dlike to buy an expensive camera.

       —Well,Tom. We have several models _________.

A. to be chosen from     B. to be chose C. to choosefrom   D. to choose

255. —Jamwas killed in traffic accident.

       —_________I talked with him yesterday afternoon.

A. Is that so?  B. Sorry to hear that      C.What a pity!      D. Pardon?

256. Clearly,in a system ___________ every decision is made on the basis of tradition alone,progress may be difficult to achieve.

A. that    B.which C. when  D. where

257. —DidHarry paint the whole house himself?

       —He________ because he doesn't like to climb a ladder.

A. hadn't painted it B. painted it    C. had itpainted     D. had painted it

258. —Ilove you more than her, child.

       —Youmean more than ________ love her or more than she loves _________?

A. you, me     B.I, you C. you, you    D. I, me

259. Mary__________ my letter, otherwise she would have gone to the concert.

A. has     B.ought to have received

C. couldn't have received       D. shouldn't have received

260. Ithink you've got to the point _________ a change is needed otherwise you'llfail.

A. when  B.that     C. where D. which

261. We_________ your help and kindness very much.

A. love    B.offer   C. thank  D. value

262. —Howabout the book you are reading?

       —Goodindeed. It _________ many problems we have come across in our study.

A. says    B.talks   C. covers D. refer

263. Witha lot of difficult problems ________, the manager fell like a cat on hotbricks.

A. to settle      B.settling       C. settled D. being settled

264. Isthat the very car you come _______ the other day?

A. by      B.in       C. on      D. with

265. Cedricwas so angry that he kicked a chair and broke one of its legs, _________ Ithought was rather funny.

A. As      B.it C. that     D.which

266. TomSawyer ___________ to paint the fence himself but he got his friends to do itfor him.

A. supposed    B.has supposed      C. had supposed     D. was supposed

267. —Whatdo people wear when they go to the theatre.

       —Well,it isn't very ________ people can wear anything they like.

A. certain       B.normal       C. modern      D. simple

268. TheDutch settled in Holland, Michigan. They __ the town the character it ___today.

A. have given, have       B. have given, has C. gave, is having    D. are giving, does have

269. —Don'tget up. Please _________ where you are.

       —Yes,I __________.A. remain, won't B. stay,don't   C. sit, may not       D. keep, won't

270. Youcan have this magazine _________ I finish reading it.

A. so that       B.because      C. unless D. the moment

271. Mary________ to Australia many times but she's back again now.

A. has been     B.had been    C. had gone    D. went

272. Itstormed all day during ________ time the ship broke up.

A. this     B.that     C. which D. what

273. The________ look on Miss White's face told us that she was _________ greattrouble.

A. worrying, in      B. worried, in C.worrying, with   D. worried, with

274. Theshop owner will get all these goods ordered _______ to the customers today.

A. to deliver   B.delivering   C. deliver       D. delivered

275. Thepolice were told that the ______ boy was last seen ________ near the pool.

A. missing, played  B missing, playing  C. missed,playing  D. missed, to play

276. _______,she couldn't say even a word.

A. Being exciting   B. being excited     C. Beingexcite      D. Exciting

277. —I'llgo to Qingdao for my new job next week.

       —I'mvery much ________ your going there ________. I'll go with you.

A. against, alone    B. of, together       C.for, longer  D. about, again

278. Shortageof money is a _________ problem for them, it probably always will be.

A. to be continued  B. continued   C. beingcontinued D. continuing

279. —Haveyou had a good evening?

       —Well,I ________ this film on television but it's rubbish so I think I'll turn it offnow.

A. am watching      B. was watching C. have been watching       D. had been watching

280. Hehad decided to give it up but on _______ second thoughts he decided to try_________ third time.

A. the, a  B./, /      C. a, a     D. /, a

281. __________his work was still as it had been?

A. It was why that  B. Why is that C. It is whythat     D. Why was it that

282. Bobcame in ________ second in _________ 100-meter race.

A. the, /  B.a, the  C. the, a  D. /, the

283. Fiveminutes earlier, _________ we could have caught the last bus.

A. and     B.but     C. or       D. so

284. Sallyis said _______ in a foreign company, but I have no idea which company sheworked in.

A. to have worked  B. to work C. to be working  D.to have been working

285. Didyou go to the cinema last night? Is the film interesting? Yes, more so than_______.A. I expect       B. I've expected      C. I was expecting      D. I'd expected

286. Workstarts every day at 7 a.m. and goes on until late afternoon ________ a break atmidday.

A. by    B. with    C.for      D. after

287. Isthis the way ________ you treat an old man?

A. which B. how    C. by which    D. /

288. __________you don't like him is none of my business.

A. What  B.Who   C. That    D. Whether

289. The________ people must continue what those dead didn't finish.

A. living B.alive   C. lively  D. live

290. Itried _______ the brown jacket in the shop and it looked wonderful ________ me.

A. on, on B.to, to  C. in, in  D. on, in

291. Idon't think he is right, ____________?A. do I   B.don't I C. isn't he       D. is he

292. —Doyou know out town at all?

—No.This is the first time I ______ here.

A. was    B.have been   C. came   D. am coming

293. —Doyou get along well with your aunt?


A. Yes, mostly on holidays    B. Not particularly

C. No. She is not all right     D. Yes, she is

294. Thesepictures will show you ________.

A. what does our village look like B. what our village looks like

C. how does our village look like  D. how our village looks like

295. Come__________. I'll introduce my _______ friend, Bob to you.

A. closely, close     B. close, closely     C.close, close D. closely, closely

296. _________would be our home in the future.

A. It       B.Such   C. So      D. Which

297. Shewas so sad that she couldn't ________ her tears.

A. keep away  Bkeep back    C. keep from  D. keep out

298. Thelittle boy _______ his buttons in a wrong way.

A. did up B.took up      C. made up     D. got up

299. Heis famous rather _________ an actor than __________ his songs.

A. as, for Bfor, as  C. for, for       D. as, as

300. It_______ no difference who will go there.

A. takes   Bmakes  C. gives   D. brings

301. Heknows little about the city as if he _______ there so far.

A. isn't    B.weren't C .shouldn't have been  D. hadn'tbeen

302. —Wereall these people in the bus injured in the accident?

       —No,_________ only three passengers who got hurt.

A. it was B.there was    C. they were   D. there had

303. Theboy kept asking silly questions until my patience finally ___________ andturned a deaf ear to him.

A. ran over     B.ran away    C. ran out       D. ran up

304. _________other good students, the teacher thinks, Hank is __________ student.

A. Compared with, a most satisfied      B. Compared to, the most satisfied

C. Compared with, a more satisfying    D. Comparing to, the most satisfying

305. —I'vebeen waiting for the phone since 5 o'clock.

       —__________He is not only a skillful driver but he also knows the road very well.

A. How long has be been away?    B. What's the matter with John?

C. I don't think you should worry about John.

D. I'm afraid there's something wrong withthe telephone.

306. —Canyou pick me up?

       —Ofcourse. I'll drive you _________ you are going.

A. where B.to the place C. which D. if

307. —_________are you trying to prove to the police?

       —WhereI was last night.

A. Why   B.How   C. What  D. When

308. —Whata large and bright room! Is it a classroom?

       —No.It _________ the students' reading-room.

A. refers to     Bstands for    C. is supposed to be       D. is meant for

309. Heasked the doctor who was the man __________ at the moment.

A. being operated   B. being operated on C. to be operated D. operated on

310. Nothaving finished his homework, __________ to watch TV.

A. Mother forbade him  B. so he was forbidden C. and he wanted D. he was forbidden

311. Scienceand engineering students often _________ their heads in books instead of goingto dances and cinemas.

A. cover  B.bury   C. hide    D. devote

312. —Ithought you wouldn't mind.

       —Well,as a matter of fact I __________, but you _________ first.

A. didn't, should let know     B. don't, should let me know

C. didn't, should have let me know       D. don't, should have let me know

313. —Who___________ that piano?

       —Mysister, when she ___________ time.

A. plays, is having  B. is playing, has    C. isplaying, has had     D. plays, has

314. "Iwant to know why you didn't do as _________." said the teacher.

A. to be told   Btelling  C. told    D. told to

315. —Didyou find your watch yesterday?

       —No,I didn't find _________, but I've bought _________.

A. it, it    B.one, one     C. it, one D. one, it

316. Theroof fell ________ he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.

A. before B.as       C. after   D. until

317. —Isthere anything interesting in Queensland?

       —Yes.__________? I heard that you had studied there last year.

A. aren't you going there       B. Haven't you gone there

C. Didn't you go there    D. Haven't you been there

318. Believeit or not, he came _________.

A. drunk home last night       B home last night drunk

C. home drunk last night       D. last night home drunk

































1-5.   CBCAB      6-10. ABCDD        11-15. BACDC      16-20.CDDDA       21-25. CDABB

26-30. ADBDA      31-35.BBDCB      36-40. BCDBA      41-45. BCAAC     

46-50. BBCCA

51-55. DAABD      56-60.DABAC      61-65. CCCCD      66-70. BACDC      71-75. DCCBD

76-80. DBBDD      81-85.AAABA      86-90. CACDB      91-95. DABDC      96-100. CDDCD

101-105. BDCCA   106-110.BABDD   111-115. ABDDA   116-120. CBBBD   121-125. CBBBA

126-130. BBCBC   131-135.DCDBB   136-140. BBACD   141-145. CABAC   146-150. BDDDA

151-155. DDACD  156-160.CABBA   161-165. DAABC  166-170. CABDB   171-175.BAABD

176-180. DCBBD   181-185.ADDBC   186-190. ACBCA   191-195. DACAA  196-200. DCDBC

201-205. ABABC   206-210.CDDCB   211-215. DAAAD  216-220. ADADD  221-225.BCACB

226-230. AACBB   231-235.BABCA   236-240. BCAAC   241-245. AACDB   246-250. ADCDC

251-255. DADCA  256-260.DCACC   261-265. DCDBD  266-270. DBBAD  271-275.ACBDB

276-280. BADCD  281-285.DDAAD  286-290. BDCAA  291-295. DBBBC   296-300.BBAAB

301-305. DACCC   306-310.ACDBD   311-315. BCDDC   316-318. ADC