
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/04 01:43:44




At the entrance to the British Library hang the words of Marie Curie — “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.” It was this fearlessness that saw her overturn long-established theories on physics and chemistry to win two Nobel prizes in a world of academia dominated by men. This same fearlessness, however, also saw Marie Curie carry test tubes of radioactive isotopes — the true power of which she was yet to fully comprehend — around in her pocket.


It’s an oft-feted irony that Marie Curie died of an illness contracted from exposure to radiation. Perhaps what we can learn from this is that we should fear things until we understand them. If that’s the case, we can know there is one thing men will always be scared of. The one thing no amount of learning will let us fully understand: women.


But let’s be realists; most of us being slightly scared of women is entirely acceptable. Namely because they can break your heart, and there is no pain worse. Every man is afraid of handing over their number and being rejected, or looking like an idiot on a first date by turning up in an ill-advised waistcoat/top-hat combo that the shop assistant said looked terrific. Fear affects how we act around women, how we dress around them, even how we eat around them. I once ate sushi on a date as I was too afraid to refute the restaurant choice. And I’m allergic to seafood.


But it doesn’t mean that women want to be scary, or that they don’t harbour similar fears about men. Relationships consist of two complex beings trying not to drive each other insane while attempting alien, high-risk tasks together, such as getting married and having children. Expecting it to work out seamlessly is akin to putting a couple of lobsters in a shoebox and hoping they’ll emerge with a well-choreographed Bolero. But to manage negative emotions such as fear, we have to try to understand where these feelings stem from. And, as Sigmund Freud suggested more than 100 years ago, the answer points to our infancy. ACCEPTING THE TRUTH


“Mother love, also known as ‘smother love’, can sometimes leave young men feeling as though they have little freedom,” explains Paula Hall, a sexual and relationship psychotherapist. “Some may find themselves emotionally responsible for a mother who relies on her son to give her affirmation and belief in herself as a good mother. This can then leave men with an assumption that women will be overly demanding and needy. Men are more likely to fear being suffocated.”

“恋母情结(mother love或者smother love)有时候会让年轻人感觉自己好像没什么自由,”性关系学方向的精神医师Paula Hall解释道:“有些青年可能发现自己要在情感上对母亲负责,后者依赖于自己的儿子给予肯定与信念,相信自己是个好妈妈。这样一来,可能随之导致男人把女人设想成过度苛求过度贫瘠的生物。所以,男人更有可能是惧怕受扼制。”

Said aloud, this just makes men sound like eternally moody teenagers. But it is ingrained in us. Psychologically, it exists. And we will suffer it, even though timidity and fear of commitment are traits that we know rank fairly high up in the big list of things that women find unattractive in the opposite sex, lining up somewhere just behind ‘being in prison’.


But society has its part to play too. Growing up, the central idea of being scared of women is all around us. It is in the behaviour of the role models we sought to emulate, from our fathers who joked of “ball and chains” to the media we consumed. We’re a generation that can still remember when mother-in-law jokes were the pinnacle of stand-up comedy — gags in which the lead was invariably cast as an evil dragon whose raison d’être was to ruin the lives of whoever married their daughter. I remember telling a mother-in-law joke I’d picked up from my dad to my class at school, aged seven, unaware that I was calling my own nan a cow. In (albeit crap) TV sitcoms, hen-pecked husbands were portrayed as being at the mercy of tyrannical wives. Even Lion-O and Panthro would visibly buck-up their behaviour when Cheetara walked in during the joke sequence they used to have at the end of Thundercats. And they were cat-like humanoid aliens from the planet Thundera.


“Like any behaviour or emotional reaction, the fear of women has been learned from somewhere,” says Dr Gian Gonzaga, senior director of research at eHarmony.co.uk. “It could have been directly, such as if a female role model was abusive, or it could have been indirectly, such as watching a male role model fear women. Men are unlikely to start to fear women because of a TV programme they watch. However, if they already have a fear of women they may use it as evidence to prove that women really are bossy and cruel. So while these images don’t create fear, they could help perpetuate it.”

英国一家社交网站研发部的高级总监Dr Gian Gonzaga说到:“与任何行为或情感反应一样,‘怕女人’是有根可寻的。有直接的,如一个泼妇作为女性的榜样角色;有委婉的,如观看一个男性榜样角色惧怕女人。男人不大可能因看一个电视节目就变得开始怕女人,可如果惧怕心理早已先入为主,电视节目可能会被男人当证据,用来证明女人确实跋扈又刻毒。所以,角色形象不吓人的时候,男人们也可以让相同的惧怕情绪延续下去。”

Perhaps the most uncomfortable outcome of this ingrained apprehension is the newly-spawned industry that preys on men who are petrified of talking to women. The ‘seduction community’, exemplified best by the runaway success of Neil Strauss’s 2005 book The Game, claims to be able to teach foolproof techniques for meeting women by feigning charisma. It’s a hideous turn of events that makes you hanker for the days when people replied to lonely hearts ads on Teletext. Anyone who actually peddles these techniques, or believes they exist, has all the charisma of David Miliband staring at a door. A COMMON PROBLEM

也许这种根深蒂固的恐惧心理导致的最不安后果,就是酿出一项新的产业:猎杀那些一跟女人说话,就吓得呆住的男人。Neil Strauss零五年出版的书籍《The Game》最好地例证了男人的次文化“魅力社区”,后者宣称能够教授极其简单的技巧,让人伪装成魅力男士与女性接触。这真是个骇人的大转变,让你不由地向往从前,那时候的人回复图文电视上的征友广告。无论谁要真正实践这些技巧,或当真相信有技巧可寻,便能怀拥英国外交大臣戴维·米利班德的全部魅力,成为鹤立鸡群的人物。

If men are signing up to The Game workshops in droves, then just how commonplace is this fear of womenfolk? I took it upon myself to conduct a piece of ‘scientific’ research. I asked two friends for their views on the subject. The first, Olly, is 29 and single.“I’m scared of any woman I don’t already know,” he says. “I know that I am too scared to ever go up to a woman I like and start talking to her. And if I did, I’d be afraid of messing it up if we started going out. And then I’ll end up getting scared again if it looks like it’s getting serious.”

要是有成群结队的男人参加《The Game》的各项研讨会,如此说来“惧怕妇女”到底有多平常?对此我询问了两位朋友的看法,做了项“科学”研究。其中一位叫Olly,二十九岁,单身。“只要是我还不了解的女性,我都怕。每次遇到我喜欢的人,我会害怕到不敢上前,不敢搭讪。要是我真这么做了,又担心俩人开始结伴外出的时候我会把事情搞糟。之后我们的关系如果朝严肃认真的方向发展,恐惧终会重新爬上我心头。”

Glen is 35 and has been married for four years. Surely he cannot still be wary of his wife after proposing to her?“Yes. I’m scared because if I p*ss her off she’ll get upset, which I don’t like,” he says. “Or she’ll get angry, which I don’t like. I’m scared of any fall-outs because they’re always really horrible.”


I remark that maybe it’s a reasonable request for him to just stop annoying her.


“Yes,” he agrees, “but I can’t. I guess it’s what keeps you on your toes. If you’re not scared or nervous, you stop trying, don’t you? And that’s when it all goes wrong. I’m mainly scared because I don’t want it to go wrong. I like her.”


From this I draw three conclusions. Firstly, if you’re scared of women and you get married, you’re still scared of women, just fewer women than before. Secondly, if the fear of upsetting the women in our lives was a harvestable resource we could use as currency, then good people would be very rich. And thirdly, in most instances, we would genuinely sooner fight a rabid dog than walk over and say hello to a woman we find attractive.


It sounds immature and self-defeating and makes us look ridiculous, but men’s fear of women is a shapeless, intangible shadow that will always exist and, in some darker moments, beat us. Thankfully, Dr Gonzaga believes that there are ways we can overcome it. “The best thing you can do is continue to try to create positive interactions with the women in your life,” he says. “Just like fear is learned, it can be unlearned. It may take time, but as you have more relationships with honest and trusting women, you will find that your fear of them decreases.”

这话听上去充满幼稚与自我挫败的味道,这时的男人瞧着也挺荒谬的,不过对女人的惧怕就像无形无状的影子,一直伴随我们,在某些更灰暗的时刻还会痛击我们。谢天谢地,上文所提到的那位研发总监Dr Gonzaga相信,我们男人是有办法战胜恐惧的!“面对生命中出现的女人们,你所能做到的最好,就是努力创建积极的互动关系,并把它维持下去。就像恐惧被记住一样,它也可以被忘记。这也许会花点时间,然而一旦与既真诚又信赖他人的女性有了更多关联,你会发现自己的恐惧减少了。”

With this in mind I ask Dr Gonzaga for his sage, worldly advice on the single most consuming issue that men face in potentially romantic situations: rejection.

既然Dr Gonzaga说到这儿了,我就向他讨句放之四海皆准的智语,来破解一个最独特也最棘手的难题,即处在暧昧阶段的男士所面临的:被拒。

“Fear of rejection stops a lot of men even trying to approach women, but this fear can also be unlearned,” he explains. “In most cases women are flattered to be chatted up, and if they decide they’re not interested, will usually politely decline a man’s advances if they’ve been approached in a pleasant-enough way. If your goal is just to learn about the woman, you will be less worried about being rejected, and more likely to be successful. It also helps to copy the behaviour of men who are confident with women.”


What all this specialist advice has in common is that it is rational and obvious, when relationships tend to be anything but. In fact, if you tried hard enough you could again distil it down into the simple maxim: ‘Why don’t we just grow up a bit?’ But this isn’t about rhyme, reason or common sense. This is about love, and women, and the kind of undeterminable dreads that nest within you and wake you up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. Some people may say that fear is all in the mind. It’s not. Real men know fear is in the heart.


Ten tips for approaching women… by a woman: Kate Taylor, Match.com’s relationship expert, tells all


1 “Women are more open to conversation when they’re in the ‘social areas’ of a room at a party, like the centre, or near where drinks and food are being served.”

1. 女人在聚会房间内的“社交区”谈话会更放得开一些,比如在食物区的中心或旁边。

2 “Don’t try too hard to be funny. The simplest lines are often the most effective because they sound genuine. Just a ‘Hi, how are you?’ can be the best opening gambit.”

2. 不要过于试图风趣。最简单的往往最有效,因为不显造作。一句“嗨,你好。”可能是最佳的开场白。

3 “Stick to low-key compliments as they sound honest. We’re more likely believe you if you call us ‘pretty’ rather than ‘beautiful’.”

3. 坚持低调的赞美语,因为听起来真诚。称赞“秀丽”而不是“漂亮”,更容易让女人相信你。

4 “Be charming. We will judge you on how you treat everyone — whether you’re speaking to the bartender or our friends.”

4. 不管是跟酒保说话,还是跟女人的朋友们说话,都要有风度。你对待周围每一个人的方式,女人都在心里打分。

5 “Yes, you want to impress, but please don’t boast. It is more impressive if you appear genuinely interested in us and our day.”

5. 想给对方留下深刻印象,千万别用吹牛这招。只要对对方和对方的人生表现出真诚的兴趣,会让女人对你的印象更深刻。

6 “If you like a woman, talk to her first. If she sees you chatting up nine other women before her, she’ll assume you’re just looking for a bed for the night, and aren’t fussy about whose it is.”

6. 如果喜欢一个女人,先跟她说说话。她要是看到你在找她之前和九个女人调过情,她会肯定你只是在寻觅一夜情,对方是谁你根本不在乎。

7 “If you’ve noticed a girl around, tell her — it’s flattering. Just don’t come across too ‘stalkery’.”

7. 如果注意到附近的一个女孩,把这告诉她。这是一种恭维。只是走过去的时候别太“猥琐”。

8 “Don’t talk about other women. Even if it’s in an uncomplimentary way — it still rankles.”

8. 不要谈论其他女人,即使是以贬低的态度。这会引发对方的怒气。

9“Don’t hand over your business card and say you’d love us to ring you. Be the man. You call us.”

9. 不要递上名片说盼着接电话。做男人做的事,你要主动打给对方。

10 “Approach from the front and smile — body language research says women can get spooked if you sidle up from the side.”

10. 从女人的正前方微笑走近。研究身体语言的报告说,从女人的侧身悄悄走近,会让女人产生阴森感。