持开头的成语:Unit 01

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 14:19:48

第一单元:This Year It’s Going to Be Different

教学目的与要求:透彻理解作者为什么没能实现他近乎完美的New Year’s resolutions的原因。能欣赏文章的幽默之处。要求学生熟练讲述课文。熟记相关词汇。


I.                        Warm-up—Introduce the requirement for the new semester. Ask how Ss spent their holiday.

II.                     Introduce the word “resolution”.                                                                              

Ss get the main idea the text.   

Go over the vocabulary                

III.                 Discussion—groups first, then the whole class.

IV.                Text structure.

V.                   Language points.

VI.                Text two

VII.             Exercises.

VIII.          Quiz







Unit One

Text I   This Year It’s Going to Be Different

I:   Explain “resolution”

It means decision or mental pledge to do or not to do sth, resolve / sth one makes up one’s mind to do.

II. Go over the vocabulary on P4-5

III: The main idea of the text

The writer carried out New year’s resolutions faithfully to improve himself, but the results all went contrary to his expectations.

IV: Questions for discussion

1.   What does the sentence “New Year’s resolutions are like anything else—you get out of them whatever you put in” mean?

--As the saying goes, “as you sow, so will you reap, which means whatever a man sows he will reap. The writer intends to convince the reader that making New Year’s resolutions also follows this maxim. The more resolutions you make at the beginning of the year, the better results you will have.

2.   How did the writer try to make this year different from other years?

--(1) He had read a number of books on self-improvement before he made his resolutions.(2) He wrote out a long list of resolutions. (3) He wanted to make a different man of himself—a loving father and an ideal husband—by trying to attend to everyone’s needs.

3.   Why did the writer look forward eagerly to New Year’s Day?

      Having written a long list of resolutions, he longed to put them into practice, thinking that they would be a great success.

4.       What kind of father and husband do you think the writer was?

Judging from the information given in the text, he was a serious and strict father to the children. He did not like to be bothered with questions. He never treated them as his equals. He showed no interest in their friends nor in what they are doing. Having a quick temper, he got excited easily and often yelled at them. He did not allow any mischievous behaviour to go on at home. He was one of those husbands who did not like to lift a finger to help his wife and do household chores. What he did in his free time was enjoy himself thoroughly. He had a good tome at parties and liked to stay out late even if this meant he had a headache the next day. At home, what he did most of the time was either a football match or read the newspaper.

5.       How did his wife react to his considerateness, good mood, and helpful attitude?

He tried to be considerate and helpful, but failed. All his effort went contrary to his expectations. The whole family was thrown in disorder and confusion. His wife was annoyed by his good manner and smart remarks, thinking they were affected and that he was being sarcastic on purpose. She attributed his cheerfulness, good temper and thoughtfulness to not feeling his best after stay out late

6.       Why did his effort to be a good father and husband end in failure?

He wanted to do better but not know how to do it appropriately. On New Year’s Day, the writer behaved like a changed man. What he did was suddenly totally different from what he used to do, so his family was unprepared for this change. That’s why, to them, his behaviour was too good to be true—his temper was too to be believed, and his thoughtfulness was too great to be natural.

7.       What is the implied meaning of “We’re just happy to have you back again”?

It means “the whole family are happy to see that you have come to be your usual self again and you are behaving naturally. At last everything will go back to normal.”

IV. Reaction of the family members to his resolutions.

1. Be spontaneous in showing affection.

She shrieked and dropped a cup

2. A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.

She thought he was sarcastic.


3. Encourage your children’s curiosity.

Sammy wondered off several times.

4. Meet your child at his own level

Gretchen was unhappy about his doll, Mrs. Robinson—Roy and Sammy were to perform surgery on it.


5. Show an interest in your children’s friends.

Kit misunderstood him for cross-examining Marilyn about her boyfriend.

6. Encourage creativity in the young.

Boys whittle in the best salad spoon—his wife was angry.

7. The most trivial chore can prove rewarding if approached with zest.

Wife thought he was sarcastic.

8. Take over one of your wife’s chores, she’ll love for it.


V. Text structure (see comment on the text)

VI. Teaching points

1.              A brief summary of the ways to express futurity.                                       

1)              The neutral future is formed by using the auxiliaries will/shall and infinitive.

l       Tomorrow will be his Sunday.

l       Is it possible to make an atomic engine that will be really safe in every circumstance?

2)              The constructive to be going to is used to express future intention.

l       This year it is going to be different.

l       I know what the kids are going to do.

Note: this construction cannot be used for neutral futurity, which does not depend on any person’s will or intention. For example, both the following sentences are wrong.

l       Tomorrow is going to be his Sunday.

l       If you go to the U.S.A., you are going to come across the remarkable, almost legendary hospitality of the American of the West.

3)              The construction be to do is used to express arrangement or command.

l       Now let all men know that crops are to be planted as usual.

l       Shaka ordered: “all women who are found with child are to be put to death with their husband.”

4)              The construction be about to do is used to express near future.

l       Roy and Sammy were about to (were just going to) perform open-heart surgery on Mrs. Robinson with a scout knife.

l       She was about to tell us the truth when you entered the building.

2.              The use of over in the text.

1)              I tiptoed over and kissed her on the back of the neck.

Over adv.—across a distance or open space, either towards or away from someone/something

l       We asked Kate’s two sailor friends over to help us gain our point indirectly.

l       Go over to your grandmother.

2)              What did you do over the holidays?

Over prep.—during, in the course of (a period or an event)

l       She likes to listen to some light music over the weekend.

l       Paul has become more mature over the years.

3)              To ease the situation, I picked up her brand-new sweater from the floor and put it over a chair.

Over prep.—resting on top of something and covering something partly or completely.

l       John was so tired that he was found sprawling in the floor asleep with his dripping raincoat over a sofa.

4)              Take over one of your wife’s chores, she’ll love you for it.

Take over—take charge of

l       The firm became more and more prosperous after the son took it over.

3.              be blessed with—see note 3

4.              bet   (you bet)

I bet our team will win.  我敢断定我们队准能获胜。

I don't bet on horses.     我不赌跑马。

He bet me 1 that the school team would win.


5.              I got a pencil and draw a sketch of the escapement mechanism.

Draw—make a picture with a pen, pencil orchalk

l       Fancy him drawing so well at the age of five.

Cf.: by now the kids were in the room, drawn by the commotion.


l       The film drew large audience when it was on.

6.              Maggie always dread taking down

Dread—feel worried about

l       Small children usually dread paying a visit to the dentist.

l       Small children usually dread a visit to the dentist.

l       Small children usually dread that they will be taken to the dentist.

Take down—take down the tinsel, coloured lights etc., from the Christmas tree, and remove the tree itself.

l       When they went camping last summer, they had a good time. Every evening they put up their tent and the following morning they took it down.

7.              I was about two-thirds done when Maggie came in,--I had finished about two-thirds of the work.  Done—finished

Two-thirds serves as an adverbial modifying done.

l       His new novel is about two-fifths thicker than his previous one.

l       At the end of this year the construction project was already four-fifths finished.


spontaneous impulsive instinctive involuntary automatic

These adjectives mean acting, reacting, or happening without apparent forethought, prompting, or planning. 这些形容词的意思是没有显然地事前考虑、外力推动和计划而行动、反应或发生。

1) Spontaneous applies to what arises naturally rather than resulting from external constraint or stimulus:


l       The two suddenly embraced in a spontaneous gesture of affection. 两个人因爱而突然自发地拥抱在一起。

l       “The highest and best form of efficiency is the spontaneous cooperation of a free people”   


2)  Impulsive  refers to the operation of a sudden urge or   feeling not governed by reason: 指不被某种原因决定的冲动或情感的作用:

l       Letting her friend borrow her car was an impulsive act that she immediately regretted. 让朋友借走她的车是她立刻就感到后悔的冲动行为。

4)  Instinctive  implies behavior prompted by instinct as a natural consequence of membership in a species: 意味由本能而引发的行为,是某一种类成员的自然结果:

The term also applies to what reflects or comes about as a result of a natural inclination or innate impulse: 这个词也应用于作为一种自然倾向或因内在冲动而产生的后果:

l       Offering to help the accident victims seems as instinctive as breathing. 对意外受难者的帮助就象呼吸一样出于本能。

l       Involuntary  refers to what is not subject to the control of the will: 指不受制于意志控制的东西:

l       “It [becoming a hero]  was involuntary. They sank my boat”   . “非自愿地[成为一个英雄] 。他们推我下船” 

5) Automatic  suggests the unthinking, unfeeling functioning of a machine; it implies an unvarying mechanical response or reaction: 指不经过思考的,没有感觉的机器运行;它意味着一种没有变化的机械反应或反响:

l       She accepted the subpoena with an automatic “thank you.” 她接受了传票,随口说了声“谢谢你”

Reward, award

1)       To grant as merited or due:奖励,授予:

 awarded prizes to the winners.给优胜者授予奖品

l       The school awarded Merry a prize (for her good work).学校(因为她工作好而)奖励了梅丽。

l       Martin Ruther King Jr. was awarded the peace Nobel Prize of 1964 for advocating nonviolence policy in the movement for civil rights.


2)   Something given or received in recompense for worthy behavior or in retribution for evil acts.


l       a reward of $900 for catching the criminal因抓获罪犯而得900美元酬金

l       It's a reward for virtue. 那是对美德的回报。

Text II

1)     Why do you think the hero of the story gets “rattled” when he goes into a bank?

2)     What made the manager of the bank take the man for a detective?

3)     How did the manager react when he heard it was such a small sum of money that was going to be deposited in his bank?

4)     What was the clerk’s reaction to the man’s eccentric behaviours?

5)     What did the man do with his money after this experience?

6)     Was it the first time or the last time the man went to a bank?